Kenneth Anger
2004 Anger Sees Red
2004 Mouse Heaven
2002 The Man We Want to Hang
2000 Don’t Smoke That Cigarette
2000 Ich will!
1980 Lucifer Rising (third, revised version)
1979 Rabbit’s Moon (third, revised version)
1970 Lucifer Rising (second version)
1969 Invocation of My Demon Brother
1966 Lucifer Rising (disappeared version)
1965 Kustom Kar Kommandoes
1963 Scorpio Rising
1961 Historie d’O
1955 Thelema Abbey
1954 Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome
1953 Le Jeune Homme et la Mort
1953 Eaux d’Artifice
1952 Maldoror
1950 1972 Rabbit’s Moon
1949 The Love That Whirls
1949 Puce Moment
1947 Fireworks
1945 Drastic Demise
1944 Escape Episode
1943 The Nest
1942 Prisoner of Mars
1942 Tinsel Tree
1941 Who Has Been Rocking My Dreamboat