Thomas Demand
Publications in general
2011 Thomas Demand: Model Studies, Madrid/London.
2008 Samuel Dangel: Der ent-täuschte Blick, M.A. thesis.
2007 Butis Butis (ed): Stehende Gewässer. Medien der Stagnation, Zurich/Berlin.
2007 Huber, Jörg/ Phillipp Stoellger, Gesa Ziemer, Simon Zumsteg (eds.): Ästhetik der Kritik. Verdeckte Ermittlungen, Zurich/Vienna.
2007 Reddeker, Lioba (ed.): lesebuch. Art Critics Award, Vienna.
2006 Zschocke, Nina: Der irritierte Blick. Kunstrezeption und Aufmerksamkeit, Munich.
2004 Schumacher, Rainald (ed.): Sculptural Sphere, Martin Boyce, Thomas Demand, Mark Manders, Manfred Pernice, Liisa Roberts, Lisa Roberts, Tom Sachs. Munich.
2012 'Demand, Thomas', Tokyo: Kodansha.
2012 'Demand, Thomas. The Dailies', London: Mack Publishing House.
2012 'Demand, Thomas. Executive. Von Poll zu Presidency', Cologne: Walther König.
2011 Celant, Germano: 'Thomas Demand', Fondazione Prada_Ca’, Corner della Regina, exhibition catalogue, pp. 209-217.
2011 'Demand, Thomas. Model Studies’, Madrid /London: Ivory Press.
2011 Demand, Thomas/ Kittelmann, Udo (Ed.): 'Nationalgalerie. How German is it?', Berlin: Suhrkamp Verlag.
2010 Demand, Thomas: 'La Carte D’Après Nature, Thomas Demand', exhibition catalogue, Nouveau Musée National de Monaco.
2010 Beccaria, Marcella/ Volpato, Elena (eds.): 'Ten Years and Beyond', Berlin: Archiv Books, p. 202.
2009 Bonham-Carter, Charlotte/ Hodge, David (ed.): 'The Contemporary Art Book', London: Carlton Publishing Group, p. 60.
2009 Godfrey, Mark: 'Nationalgalerie', Nationalgalerie, Thomas Demand, exhibition catalogue, Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin, pp. 1-12.
2009 Kenjin, Ishioka/ Mika, Kuraya, (ed.): 'Waiting for Video: Works From the 1960s To Today', Tokyo: The National Museum of Modern Art, pp. 62-63.
2009 Kittelmann, Udo (ed.): 'Thomas Demand - Nationalgalerie', exhibition catalogue, Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin, Göttingen: Steidl Mack.
2009 Obrist, Hans Ulrich (ed.): 'Thomas Demand und die Nationalgalerie. A Conversation About the Exhibition with Hans Ulrich Obrist', Berlin, Cologne: Walther König.
2009 Seyfarth, Ludwig: 'Thomas Demand. Welt ohne Spuren', in: Lutz Casper, Gregor Jansen (eds): 'Extended. Collection Landesbank Baden-Württemberg', exhibition catalogue, Heidelberg: Kehrer Verlag, pp. 76-86.
2008 Bechtler, Christina (ed.): 'Art, Fashion, and Work for Hire. Thomas Demand, Peter Saville, Hedi Slimane, Hans Ulrich Obrist and Christina Bechtler in Conversation', Kunst und Architektur im Gespräch, Wien/ New York: Springer-Verlag.
2008 Celant, Germano (ed.): 'Thomas Demand. Processo Grottesco and Thomas Demand.', Yellowcake, Milan: Fondazione Prada, Progetto Prada Arte.
2008 Celant, Germano (ed.): 'Unveiling the Prada Foundation', Milan: Prada Foundation.
2008 Demand, Christian: 'Tavern/Klause: One Moral Outrage', Cámara, Fundación Telefónica/PHOTOESPANA, Madrid: La Fábrica.
2008 Gunning, Tom: 'Thomas Demand and the Trick of Time an Space', Cámara, exhibition catalogue, Fundación Telefónica / PHOTOESPANA, Madrid: La Fábrica.
2008 Mah, Sérgio: ‘The Attentive Spectator', Cámara, exhibition catalogue, Fundación Telefónica/PHOTOESPANA, Madrid: La Fábrica.
2008 Mah, Sérgio: 'Thomas Demand', catalogue, Lugar/ Place. PHOTOESPANA, Madrid: La Fábrica, pp. 70-79.
2008 Pack, Christina: ‘Dinge. Alltagsgegenstände in der Fotografie der Gegenwartskunst’, Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag, pp. 166-196.
2008 Shteyngart, Gary: 'Emergency Operations' Cámara, exhibition catalogue, Fundación Telefónica / PHOTOESPANA, Madrid: La Fábrica.
2007 Baer, Ulrich: 'End of a World: On Thomas Demand's Photography', in: 'Thomas Demand.
2007 L'Esprit D'Escalier', exhibition catalogue, Irish Museum of Modern Art Dublin, Cologne: Walther König Verlag.
2007 Bonini, Carlo: 'The Nigergate. Rome-Washington-Baghdad. The Road to the War in Iraq', in: 'Thomas Demand. Yellowcake', exhibition catalogue, Fondazione Prada, Milan: Progetto Prada Arte.
2007 Butis Butis (ed.): 'Stehende Gewässer. Medien der Stagnation', Zürich/Berlin: Diaphanes.
2007 Eggers, Dave: 'Fictional Episodes from the Life of Thomas Demand', in: 'Thomas Demand.
2007 L'Esprit D'Escalier', exhibition catalogue, Irish Museum of Modern Art Dublin, Cologne: Walther König Verlag.
2007 Farquharson, Alex: 'The Paper Trail', in: 'Thomas Demand. Yellowcake', exhibition catalogue, Fondazione Prada, Milan: Progetto Prada Arte.
2007 Huber, Jörg/ Stoellger, Phillipp/ Ziemer, Gesa/ Zumsteg, Simon (eds): 'Ästhetik der Kritik. Verdeckte Ermittlungen', Edition Voldemeer Zürich, Vienna/New York: Springer Verlag.
2007 Oliver, Paul: 'Up the Apples and Pears', in: 'Thomas Demand. L'Esprit D'Escalier', exhibition catalogue, Irish Museum of Modern Art Dublin, Cologne: Walther König Verlag.
2007 Mac Giolla Leith, Caoimhin: 'Hard Landing: Translation and Artifice in the Work of Thomas Demand', in: in: 'Thomas Demand. L'Esprit D'Escalier', exhibition catalogue, Irish Museum of
2007 Modern Art Dublin, Cologne: Walther König Verlag.
2007 Reddeker, Lioba (ed.): 'lesebuch', Art Critics Award, Vienna: basis wien.
2007 Thomas, Rachael (ed.): 'Thomas Demand. L’Esprit Escalier', exhibition catalogue, Irish Museum of Modern Art Dublin, Cologne: Walther König Verlag.
2007 Wallace, David Foster: 'Luckily the Account Representative Knew CPR', in: 'Thomas Demand. L'Esprit D'Escalier', exhibition catalogue, Irish Museum of Modern Art Dublin, Cologne: Walther König Verlag.
2006 Demand, Thomas: 'O percurso: A crise do real', in: Ricardo Nicolau (ed.): 'Fotografia na arte, de ferramenta a paradigma, Fundaçao de Serralves and Jornal Poebblico, Porto, p. 96-97.
2006 Demand, Thomas/ Colomina, Beatriz: 'Thomas Demand', exhibition catalogue, Serpentine Gallery London, Munich: Schirmer/Mosel.
2006 Jacobs, Steven/ Chevrier, Jean-François / Gandolfi, Emiliano (eds.): 'Spectacular City. Photographing the Future. Netherlands Architecture Institute, Rotterdam', exhibition catalogue, Rotterdam: NAI Publishers.
2006 Jansen, Gregor/Weibel, Peter (eds.): 'Faster! Bigger! Better! - Signetwerke der Sammlungen im ZKM, Museum für Neue Kunst Karlsruhe', exhibition catalogue, Cologne: Walther König Verlag.
2006 McGregor, Sheila (ed.): 'New Art on View', exhibition catalogue, London: Scala Publishing. Meyer zu Küingdorf, Ulf (ed.): 'Kunst Station Berlin', Munich: Knesebeck.
2006 Simard-Ismert, Louise: 'Thomas Demand. Tunnel.', exhibition leaflet, Montréal.
2006 Zschocke, Nina: 'Der irritierende Blick. Kunstrezeption und Aufmerksamkeit', Munich: Wilhelm Fink.
2005 Demand, Thomas: 'More than real', in: Farquharson, Alex (ed.): 'Brian Wilson: an Art Book', London: Four Corners Books, pp. 53-58.
2005 Demand, Thomas and ohters: 'Paysages: Constructions et simulations', exhibition catalogue, Luxembourg: Casino Luxembourg.
2005 Eugenides, Jeffrey: 'Photographic Memory', exhibition catalogue, The Museum of Modern Art, New York.
2005 Marcoci, Roxana (ed.): 'Thomas Demand', exhibition catalogue, New York: Museum of Modern Art.
2004 Böller, Susanne: 'Thomas Demand', exhibition catalogue to accompany the German contribution to 26th São Paulo Biennial, Cologne: Walther König Verlag.
2004 Fogle, Douglas: 'In the Stomach of an Architect', in: exhibition catalogue to accompany the German contribution to 26th São Paulo Biennial, Cologne: Walther König Verlag.
2004 Franck, Julia: 'Absätze', in: Schneider, Eckhard (ed.): 'Thomas Demand, Phototrophy', exhibition catalogue, Bregenz: Kunsthaus Bregenz &Schirmer/Mosel.
2004 Lootsma, Bart: 'Suspense', in: exhibition catalogue to accompany the German contribution to 26th São Paulo Biennial, Cologne: Walther König Verlag.
2004 Rugoff, Ralph: 'Anleitung für das Entkommen', in: Schneider, Eckhard (ed.): 'Thomas Demand, Phototrophy', exhibition catalogue, Bregenz: Kunsthaus Bregenz &Schirmer/Mosel.
2004 Schneider, Eckhard (ed.): 'Thomas Demand, Phototrophy', exhibition catalogue, Bregenz: Kunsthaus Bregenz &Schirmer/Mosel.
2004 Schumacher, Rainald (ed.): 'Sculptural Sphere, Martin Boyce, Thomas Demand, Mark Manders, Manfred Pernice, Liisa Roberts, Tom Sachs', Munich: Kunstverlag Ingvild Goetz)
2002 Beccaria, Marcella (ed.): 'Thomas Demand', exhibition catalogue, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Castello di Rivoli, Turin, Milan: Skira Editore.
2002 Eugenides, Jeffrey and others: 'Thomas Demand', exhibition catalogue, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich & Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk, Munich: Schirmer/Mosel.
2001 Bonami, Francesco: 'Il re et la cippola', in: 'Thomas Demand, con Caruso architetti a Palazzo Pitti', exhibition catalogue, Galleria d’Arte Moderna di Palazzo Pitti Florence, Florence: Pagliai Polistampa.
2001 Bonami, Francesco and others (eds.): 'Thomas Demand', Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Paris.
2001 Dziewior, Yilmaz and others: 'Thomas Demand', exhibition catalogue, Sprengel Museum, Hanover.
2001 Lerup, Lars/ Sobel, Dean (eds.): 'Thomas Demand', exhibition catalogue, Aspen Art Museum, Amsterdam, in collaboration with De Appel, Amsterdam.
2001 Varnedoe, Kirk (ed.): 'Sets and situations ("Open ends")', brochure, Museum of Modern Art, New York.
2000 Bonami, Francesco and others (eds): 'Thomas Demand', exhibition catalogue, Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain, Paris.
2000 Kamps, Toby/ Rugoff, Ralph: 'Small world. Dioramas in contemporary art', exhibition catalogue, Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego.
2000 Kjeldsen, Kjeld and others: 'Vision og Virkelighed: Forestillinger om det 20.OErhundrede/Vision and Reality: Conceptions of the 20th Century', Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humbleak.
2000 Pakesch, Peter/ Zürcher, Isabel: 'Deep Distance, Die Entfernung der Fotografie', exhibition catalogue, Kunsthalle Basel.
1999 Föll, Heike: 'Thomas Demand', exhibition catalogue, Berlin/Aarhus: Kraftwerk Berlin, Kunstmuseum Aarhus, pp. 94-100.
1998 Berg, Stephan and others (eds.): 'Thomas Demand', Freiburg: Kunstverein Freiburg.
1998 Bürgi, Bernhard/ Stuart Morgan (eds.): 'Thomas Demand', Zurich: Kunsthalle Zurich.
1998 Thomas, Karin: 'Cross over. Lewandowsky, Nicolai, Demand', in: Bis heute. Stilgeschichte der bildenden Kunst im 20. Jahrhundert, Cologne: DuMont.
1998 Widmer, Ruedi: 'Ein Gespräch zwischen Thomas Demand und Ruedi Widmer, Tatort, Die Requisiten der Beweisführung', Schriftenreihe, Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, p. 24.
1997 Decter, Joshua (ed.): 'Thomas Demand', exhibition catalogue, Galerie de l’ancienne Poste, Calais & Centre d’art contemporain de Vassivière-en-Limousin.
1997 Domröse, Ulrich/ Ludger Derenthal (eds.): 'Positionen künstlerischer Photographie in Deutschland seit 1945', exhibition catalogue, Berlin: Berlinische Galerie.