| | |
2019 | sep 26 - nov 14 2019 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Orient V / Fotograf Festival - Archeology of Euphoria: 1985 - 1995 | City Gallery Prague |
| jun 27 - oct 18 2019 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Contemporary Art from Croatia | European Central Bank,
Frankfurt |
| jun 20 - aug 11 2019 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Deep Sounding - History as Multiple Narratives | daadgalerie,
Berlin |
| jun 03 - oct 06 2019 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Mario Merz Prize, 3rd Edition | Fondazione Merz,
Torino |
| jun 03 - oct 06 2019 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Mario Merz Price 3rd Edition | Fondazione Merz,
Torino, IT |
| apr 05 - sep 22 2019 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Constellations: a choreography of minimal gestures | Museu Coloçao Berardo |
2018 | dec 15 2018 - apr 07 2019 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Art in the Age of the Internet | University of Michigan Museum of Art,
Ann Arbor |
| sep 22 2018 - feb 17 2019 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | True Luxury... | Stedelijk Museum,
Amsterdam |
| sep 21 - dec 16 2018 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Orient | Bunkier Sztuki Gallery of Contemporary Art,
Krakow |
| sep 14 - oct 28 2018 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | The Marvellous Cacophony | 57th October Salon,
Belgrade |
| jul 15 - jan 13 2018 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Toward a Concrete Utopia | Museum of Modern Art,
New York |
| jul 15 2018 - jan 13 2019 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Toward a Concrete Utopia | Museum of Modern Art,
New York |
| jun 15 2018 - jan 13 2019 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Towards a Concrete Utopia | MoMA,
New York |
| jun 07 2018 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | (anti)thesis of Architecture | Zarya Center for Contemporary Art,
Vladivostok |
| jun 06 - sep 30 2018 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | VICE VERSA: Our Earth is their Moon, our Moon is their Earth | Festival m3/Art in space,
Prague |
| jun 05 - aug 14 2018 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | CUT | Museum of Contemporary Art,
Zagreb |
| apr 26 - sep 16 2018 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | General Rehearsal, A show in three acts from the collections of V-A-C | MMOMA and KADIST, MMOMA,
Moscow |
| apr 20 - may 25 2018 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Orient, Kim? | Contemporary Art Center,
Riga |
| feb 07 - may 20 2018 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Art in the Age of the Internet | Institute of Contemporary Art,
Boston |
2017 | dec 29 2017 - feb 25 2018 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | So Far, So Right: A Study of Reforms and Transitions Across Borders | Kuanadu Museum of Fine Arts,
| dec 02 2017 - feb 04 2018 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Mise-en-Scčne | Deutsches Architektur Zentrum,
Berlin |
| sep 12 - nov 11 2017 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Everything we see could also be otherwise (My sweet little lamb) | The Show Room,
London |
| may 30 - nov 05 2017 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Life a User’s Manual | Art Encounters, Contemporary Art Biennale,
Timișoara, Romania |
| may 11 - feb 25 2017 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Where do we go from here | Annet Gelink Gallery,
Amsterdam |
| jan 28 - mar 11 2017 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Pallaksh Pallaksh (I dont know just where I’m going) | Dvir Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv |
2016 | nov 25 2016 - apr 17 2017 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Construction_Reflecion | Mumok Vienna |
| sep 02 - nov 06 2016 | David Maljkovic, (group Show) | 11th Gwangju Biennale, The Eighth Climate (What Does Art Do?) | Gwangju Biennale, Gwangju |
| jun 25 - nov 06 2016 | Thomas Demand, David Maljkovic (Group show) | Beton | Kunsthalle Wien |
| may 12 - aug 21 2016 | David Maljkovic | Répétition | Bohossian Foundation - Villa Empain, Brussels |
| mar 10 - apr 27 2016 | David Maljkovic | Faraway so Close | The High Line, New York |
2015 | may 09 - nov 22 2015 | Thea Djordjadze, Andreas Gursky, Jenny Holzer, David Maljkovic (Group show) | 56th Biennale: 'All the World's Futures' | 56th Biennale,
| mar 08 2015 - apr 11 2016 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Scenes for a New Heritage | Contemporary Art from the Collection, Museum of Modern Art,
New York |
| feb 05 - aug 02 2015 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | 75 Gifts for 75 Years | Walker Art Centre,
Minneapolis |
2014 | oct 17 2014 - jan 11 2015 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Personal Cuts. Art in Croatia from 1960 to the present day | Carré d’art Musée d’art contemporain,
Nimes |
| jul 02 2014 - 2015 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | A HISTORY (art architecture design, from the 80's to now) | Musee national d'art moderne centre Pompidou,
Paris |
| jun 25 - aug 24 2014 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Coming to reality | SVIT Praha,
Prague |
| jun 01 - aug 23 2014 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Cinema Remake | EYE Film Institute Netherlands,
Amsterdam |
| jan 24 - mar 16 2014 | Thea Djordjadze, David Maljkovic (Group show) | The Empty Pedestal | Museo Civico Archeologico,
Bologna |
| | David Maljkovic (Group show) | The Sea is my land. Artist dal Mediterraneo | La Triennale di Milano. Design Museum,
Milan |
| | David Maljkovic (Group show) | El Teatro del Mondo | Museo Tamayo,
Mexico City |
2013 | oct 18 2013 - jan 26 2014 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Inside Outside Architecture | Nasjonalmuseet, Museum of Contemporary Art,
Oslo |
| oct 10 - nov 24 2013 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | The sum of its parts : Contemporary Collage | ACCA Australian Centre for Contemporary Art,
Melbourne |
| oct 10 - nov 24 2013 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | In the Cut | ACCA,
Melbourne |
| sep 28 2013 - jan 26 2014 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Ausstellen. 30 Jahre Künstlerförderung der Krupp-Stiftung | Museum Folkwang,
Essen |
| sep 20 - dec 14 2013 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Orpheus Twice | David Roberts Art Foundation,
London |
| sep 14 - oct 19 2013 | David Maljkovic | Last year at Marienbad redux | EFA Project Space,
New York |
| sep 13 - oct 19 2013 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Last Year at Marienbad | Bureau for Open Culture, EFA Project Space,
New York |
| sep 07 2013 - mar 02 2014 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Images of an Infinite Film | MoMA,
New York |
| jul 03 - sep 29 2013 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | the sea is my land | Maxxi Rome,
Rome |
| may 24 - sep 22 2013 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Tomorrow Was Already Here | Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Monterrey,
Mexico |
| may 20 - sep 2013 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Sin motive aparante - For no Apparent Reason | CA2M Centre de Art Dos De mayo,
Madrid |
| may 01 - jun 08 2013 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Speak Memory | Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Art Gallery, Columbia University,
New York |
| apr 27 - jun 30 2013 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | On the move. European Kunsthalle at the KUB Arena | KUB Arena Kunsthaus Bregenz,
Bregenz |
| mar 09 - may 26 2013 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Zero Point of Meaning | Camer Austria,
Graz |
| jan 18 - mar 09 2013 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Cinematic Scope | Georg Kargl Fine Arts,
Vienna |
| | David Maljkovic (Group show) | En suspension | Pays de la Loire,
Carquefou |
| | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Near, Closer, Together | Sofia Contemporary,
Sofia |
| | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Exhibiting. Thirty Years of 'Catalog for Young Artist’ | Museum Folkwang,
Essen |
| | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Sweet Sixties: Tales and Morals | Gallery Nova,
Zagreb |
| | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Jetztzeit (El tiempo del ahora) + La Espalda del angel | Centre d’Art la Panera,
Lieida |
| | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Triple Identity | Museo d’Arte Contemporanea del’Istria,
Pula |
| | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Think Film, Cinemania 2013 | MMC Luka,
Pula |
| | David Maljkovic (Group show) | At the Outset | Circus,
Berlin |
| | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Was ist Kunst …? | KM-Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien,
Graz |
2012 | sep 28 - dec 10 2012 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | East Side Stories, Vidéos Contemporaines Croates | Palais de Tokyo,
Paris |
| may 25 - jul 22 2012 | David Maljkovic, Alexandre Singh (Group show) | Biennale Bucharest | BB5 Biennale Bucharest |
| may 24 - oct 07 2012 | Cyprien Gaillard, David Maljkovic (Group show) | FREMDE ÜBERALL - Zeitgenössische Kunst aus der POMERANZ COLLECTION | Jewish Museum,
Vienna |
| may 12 - jun 25 2012 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Lighting out for Territories | Kunsthalle Vienna Project Space,
Vienna |
| may 09 - jun 30 2012 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Performing Abstraction | Luciana Brito Galeria,
Sao Paulo |
| apr 19 - aug 26 2012 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | La Triennale, Paris 2012 | La Triennale,
Paris |
| apr 18 - jun 20 2012 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | A wavy line is drawn across the middle of the original plan | Kölnischer Kunstverein,
Köln |
| apr 01 - may 27 2012 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Latifa Echakhch & David Maljkovic – Morgenlied | Kunsthalle,
Basel |
| mar 29 - jul 01 2012 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Lost Sites | Centro Huarte de Arte Contemporaneo,
Pamplona |
| mar 15 - may 06 2012 | David Maljkovic, Rosemarie Trockel (Group show) | Animismus | Haus der Kulturen der Welt,
Berlin |
| feb 25 - may 25 2012 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Moving Froward, Counting Backwards | MUAC,
Mexico City |
| feb 10 - apr 29 2012 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Indirect Speech | Bolit Art Centre,
Girona |
| feb 03 - may 06 2012 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | We are all astronauts | Zeppelin Museum,
Friedrichshafen |
| jan 28 - jun 03 2012 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | One Sixth of the Earth: Ecologies of the image | Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León,
Leon |
| jan 28 - apr 29 2012 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Rearview Mirror: New Art from Central and Eastern Europe | Art Gallery of Alberta,
Edmonton |
| jan 28 - jun 03 2012 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Ecologies of Image | Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Castilla y Leon |
| jan 28 - apr 29 2012 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Rearview Mirror: New Art from Central & Eastern Europe | Art Gallery of Alberta,
Edmonton |
| jan 15 - mar 26 2012 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Scene, Hold, Ballast: David Maljkovic and Lucy Skaer | Sculpture Center,
New York |
2011 | dec 16 2011 - dec 01 2012 | Thomas Demand, Barbara Kruger, David Maljkovic (Group show) | TALES OF THE CITY: ART FUND INTERNATIONAL AND THE GOMA COLLECTION | Gallery of Modern Art,
Glasgow |
| jun 25 - aug 06 2011 | John Baldessari, David Maljkovic (Group show) | Two Versions of the Imaginary | Annet Gelink Gallery,
Amsterdam |
| may 12 - jul 03 2011 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Magical Consciousness | Arnolfini,
Bristol |
| | David Maljkovic (Group show) | El Grito | MUSAC Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Castilla y Leon |
| | David Maljkovic (Group show) | 1st Biennial „Time Machine Exhibition No Network!“ | D-O ARK UNderground Konjic,
Sarajevo |
| | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Wir sind alle Astronauten | MARTA,
Herford |
| | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Rearview Mirror | The Power Plant,
Toronto |
| | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Past Desire | Galerie im Taxispalais,
Innsbruck |
| | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Aether Project „Nouveau Festival du Centre Pompidou“ | Centre Pompidou,
Paris |
| | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Abstract Possible: The Tamayo Take | Museo Tamayo,
Mexico City |
2010 | oct 22 2010 - jan 23 2011 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Luc Tuymans: A vision of Central Europe | bruggecentraal-festival,
Brugge |
| oct 08 - nov 21 2010 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | The 51st October Salon Belgrade | Belgrade Cultural Centre,
Belgrade |
| oct 07 - oct 10 2010 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | (No Title) | abc Berlin |
| oct 07 - nov 21 2010 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | David Maljkovic | 51st October Salon,
Belgrade |
| sep 25 - dec 12 2010 | David Lamelas, David Maljkovic (Group show) | 29th Bienal de Săo Paulo | 29th Bienal de Săo Paulo, Săo Paulo |
| jul 16 - sep 26 2010 | Thea Djordjadze, David Maljkovic (Group show) | 5x5 Castello 10 | Espai d’art contemporani de Castello (EACC), Castello |
| may 28 - aug 15 2010 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Rehabilitation | Wiels Contemporary Art Centre,
Brussels |
| may 01 - jun 21 2010 | Armando Andrade tudela, Rosa Barba, Andreas Hofer, Koo Jeong−a, David Maljkovic, Trevor Paglen, Christodoulos Panayiotou, Sterling Ruby, Paul Sietsema, Taryn Simon, Andro Wekua (Group show) | Rethinking Location | Sprüth Magers Berlin |
| apr 14 2010 - jul 16 0210 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Les Promesses du passé | Centre Pompidou – Musée National d’Art Moderne,
Paris |
| mar 21 - sep 19 2010 | Alighiero Boetti, Cyprien Gaillard, Jenny Holzer, David Lamelas, David Maljkovic (Group show) | Che cosa sono le nuvole? | Museion of modern and contemporary art,
Bolzano |
| feb 13 - apr 28 2010 | David Maljkovic (Group show) | Star City – An Archeology of Communist Futures | Nottingham Contemporary,
Nottingham |