Sprüth Magers Berlin London
 List all showsList solo shows
2019sep 26 - nov 14 2019David Maljkovic (Group show)Orient V / Fotograf Festival - Archeology of Euphoria: 1985 - 1995City Gallery Prague
jun 27 - oct 18 2019David Maljkovic (Group show)Contemporary Art from CroatiaEuropean Central Bank,
jun 20 - aug 11 2019David Maljkovic (Group show)Deep Sounding - History as Multiple Narrativesdaadgalerie,
jun 03 - oct 06 2019David Maljkovic (Group show)Mario Merz Prize, 3rd EditionFondazione Merz,
jun 03 - oct 06 2019David Maljkovic (Group show)Mario Merz Price 3rd EditionFondazione Merz,
Torino, IT
apr 05 - sep 22 2019David Maljkovic (Group show)Constellations: a choreography of minimal gesturesMuseu Coloçao Berardo
2018dec 15 2018 - apr 07 2019David Maljkovic (Group show)Art in the Age of the InternetUniversity of Michigan Museum of Art,
Ann Arbor
sep 22 2018 - feb 17 2019David Maljkovic (Group show)True Luxury...Stedelijk Museum,
sep 21 - dec 16 2018David Maljkovic (Group show)OrientBunkier Sztuki Gallery of Contemporary Art,
sep 14 - oct 28 2018David Maljkovic (Group show)The Marvellous Cacophony57th October Salon,
jul 15 - jan 13 2018David Maljkovic (Group show)Toward a Concrete UtopiaMuseum of Modern Art,
New York
jul 15 2018 - jan 13 2019David Maljkovic (Group show)Toward a Concrete UtopiaMuseum of Modern Art,
New York
jun 15 2018 - jan 13 2019David Maljkovic (Group show)Towards a Concrete UtopiaMoMA,
New York
jun 07 2018David Maljkovic (Group show)(anti)thesis of Architecture Zarya Center for Contemporary Art,
jun 06 - sep 30 2018David Maljkovic (Group show)VICE VERSA: Our Earth is their Moon, our Moon is their EarthFestival m3/Art in space,
jun 05 - aug 14 2018David Maljkovic (Group show)CUTMuseum of Contemporary Art,
apr 26 - sep 16 2018David Maljkovic (Group show)General Rehearsal, A show in three acts from the collections of V-A-CMMOMA and KADIST, MMOMA,
apr 20 - may 25 2018David Maljkovic (Group show)Orient, Kim?Contemporary Art Center,
feb 07 - may 20 2018David Maljkovic (Group show)Art in the Age of the InternetInstitute of Contemporary Art,
2017dec 29 2017 - feb 25 2018David Maljkovic (Group show)So Far, So Right: A Study of Reforms and Transitions Across BordersKuanadu Museum of Fine Arts,
dec 02 2017 - feb 04 2018David Maljkovic (Group show)Mise-en-ScčneDeutsches Architektur Zentrum,
sep 12 - nov 11 2017David Maljkovic (Group show)Everything we see could also be otherwise (My sweet little lamb)The Show Room,
may 30 - nov 05 2017David Maljkovic (Group show)Life a User’s ManualArt Encounters, Contemporary Art Biennale,
Timișoara, Romania
may 11 - feb 25 2017David Maljkovic (Group show)Where do we go from hereAnnet Gelink Gallery,
jan 28 - mar 11 2017David Maljkovic (Group show)Pallaksh Pallaksh (I dont know just where I’m going)Dvir Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv
2016nov 25 2016 - apr 17 2017David Maljkovic (Group show)Construction_ReflecionMumok Vienna
sep 02 - nov 06 2016David Maljkovic, (group Show)11th Gwangju Biennale, The Eighth Climate (What Does Art Do?)Gwangju Biennale, Gwangju
jun 25 - nov 06 2016Thomas Demand, David Maljkovic (Group show)BetonKunsthalle Wien
may 12 - aug 21 2016David MaljkovicRépétitionBohossian Foundation - Villa Empain, Brussels
mar 10 - apr 27 2016David MaljkovicFaraway so CloseThe High Line, New York
2015may 09 - nov 22 2015Thea Djordjadze, Andreas Gursky, Jenny Holzer, David Maljkovic (Group show)56th Biennale: 'All the World's Futures'56th Biennale,

mar 08 2015 - apr 11 2016David Maljkovic (Group show)Scenes for a New HeritageContemporary Art from the Collection, Museum of Modern Art,
New York
feb 05 - aug 02 2015David Maljkovic (Group show)75 Gifts for 75 YearsWalker Art Centre,
2014oct 17 2014 - jan 11 2015David Maljkovic (Group show)Personal Cuts. Art in Croatia from 1960 to the present dayCarré d’art Musée d’art contemporain,
jul 02 2014 - 2015David Maljkovic (Group show)A HISTORY (art architecture design, from the 80's to now) Musee national d'art moderne centre Pompidou,
jun 25 - aug 24 2014David Maljkovic (Group show)Coming to realitySVIT Praha,
jun 01 - aug 23 2014David Maljkovic (Group show)Cinema RemakeEYE Film Institute Netherlands,
jan 24 - mar 16 2014Thea Djordjadze, David Maljkovic (Group show)The Empty PedestalMuseo Civico Archeologico,
David Maljkovic (Group show)The Sea is my land. Artist dal MediterraneoLa Triennale di Milano. Design Museum,
David Maljkovic (Group show)El Teatro del MondoMuseo Tamayo,
Mexico City
2013oct 18 2013 - jan 26 2014David Maljkovic (Group show)Inside Outside ArchitectureNasjonalmuseet, Museum of Contemporary Art,
oct 10 - nov 24 2013David Maljkovic (Group show)The sum of its parts : Contemporary CollageACCA Australian Centre for Contemporary Art,
oct 10 - nov 24 2013David Maljkovic (Group show)In the CutACCA,
sep 28 2013 - jan 26 2014David Maljkovic (Group show)Ausstellen. 30 Jahre Künstlerförderung der Krupp-StiftungMuseum Folkwang,
sep 20 - dec 14 2013David Maljkovic (Group show)Orpheus TwiceDavid Roberts Art Foundation,
sep 14 - oct 19 2013David MaljkovicLast year at Marienbad reduxEFA Project Space,
New York
sep 13 - oct 19 2013David Maljkovic (Group show)Last Year at MarienbadBureau for Open Culture, EFA Project Space,
New York
sep 07 2013 - mar 02 2014David Maljkovic (Group show)Images of an Infinite FilmMoMA,
New York
jul 03 - sep 29 2013David Maljkovic (Group show)the sea is my landMaxxi Rome,
may 24 - sep 22 2013David Maljkovic (Group show)Tomorrow Was Already HereMuseo de Arte Contemporaneo de Monterrey,
may 20 - sep 2013David Maljkovic (Group show)Sin motive aparante - For no Apparent ReasonCA2M Centre de Art Dos De mayo,
may 01 - jun 08 2013David Maljkovic (Group show)Speak MemoryMiriam and Ira D. Wallach Art Gallery, Columbia University,
New York
apr 27 - jun 30 2013David Maljkovic (Group show)On the move. European Kunsthalle at the KUB ArenaKUB Arena Kunsthaus Bregenz,
mar 09 - may 26 2013David Maljkovic (Group show)Zero Point of MeaningCamer Austria,
jan 18 - mar 09 2013David Maljkovic (Group show)Cinematic ScopeGeorg Kargl Fine Arts,
David Maljkovic (Group show)En suspensionPays de la Loire,
David Maljkovic (Group show)Near, Closer, TogetherSofia Contemporary,
David Maljkovic (Group show)Exhibiting. Thirty Years of 'Catalog for Young Artist’Museum Folkwang,
David Maljkovic (Group show)Sweet Sixties: Tales and MoralsGallery Nova,
David Maljkovic (Group show)Jetztzeit (El tiempo del ahora) + La Espalda del angelCentre d’Art la Panera,
David Maljkovic (Group show)Triple IdentityMuseo d’Arte Contemporanea del’Istria,
David Maljkovic (Group show)Think Film, Cinemania 2013MMC Luka,
David Maljkovic (Group show)At the OutsetCircus,
David Maljkovic (Group show)Was ist Kunst …?KM-Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien,
2012sep 28 - dec 10 2012David Maljkovic (Group show)East Side Stories, Vidéos Contemporaines CroatesPalais de Tokyo,
may 25 - jul 22 2012David Maljkovic, Alexandre Singh (Group show)Biennale BucharestBB5 Biennale Bucharest
may 24 - oct 07 2012Cyprien Gaillard, David Maljkovic (Group show)FREMDE ÜBERALL - Zeitgenössische Kunst aus der POMERANZ COLLECTIONJewish Museum,
may 12 - jun 25 2012David Maljkovic (Group show)Lighting out for TerritoriesKunsthalle Vienna Project Space,
may 09 - jun 30 2012David Maljkovic (Group show)Performing AbstractionLuciana Brito Galeria,
Sao Paulo
apr 19 - aug 26 2012David Maljkovic (Group show)La Triennale, Paris 2012La Triennale,
apr 18 - jun 20 2012David Maljkovic (Group show)A wavy line is drawn across the middle of the original planKölnischer Kunstverein,
apr 01 - may 27 2012David Maljkovic (Group show)Latifa Echakhch & David Maljkovic – MorgenliedKunsthalle,
mar 29 - jul 01 2012David Maljkovic (Group show)Lost SitesCentro Huarte de Arte Contemporaneo,
mar 15 - may 06 2012David Maljkovic, Rosemarie Trockel (Group show)AnimismusHaus der Kulturen der Welt,
feb 25 - may 25 2012David Maljkovic (Group show)Moving Froward, Counting BackwardsMUAC,
Mexico City
feb 10 - apr 29 2012David Maljkovic (Group show)Indirect SpeechBolit Art Centre,
feb 03 - may 06 2012David Maljkovic (Group show)We are all astronautsZeppelin Museum,
jan 28 - jun 03 2012David Maljkovic (Group show)One Sixth of the Earth: Ecologies of the imageMuseo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León,
jan 28 - apr 29 2012David Maljkovic (Group show)Rearview Mirror: New Art from Central and Eastern EuropeArt Gallery of Alberta,
jan 28 - jun 03 2012David Maljkovic (Group show)Ecologies of ImageMuseo de Arte Contemporaneo de Castilla y Leon
jan 28 - apr 29 2012David Maljkovic (Group show)Rearview Mirror: New Art from Central & Eastern EuropeArt Gallery of Alberta,
jan 15 - mar 26 2012David Maljkovic (Group show)Scene, Hold, Ballast: David Maljkovic and Lucy SkaerSculpture Center,
New York
2011dec 16 2011 - dec 01 2012Thomas Demand, Barbara Kruger, David Maljkovic (Group show)TALES OF THE CITY: ART FUND INTERNATIONAL AND THE GOMA COLLECTIONGallery of Modern Art,
jun 25 - aug 06 2011John Baldessari, David Maljkovic (Group show)Two Versions of the ImaginaryAnnet Gelink Gallery,
may 12 - jul 03 2011David Maljkovic (Group show)Magical ConsciousnessArnolfini,
David Maljkovic (Group show)El GritoMUSAC Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Castilla y Leon
David Maljkovic (Group show)1st Biennial „Time Machine Exhibition No Network!“D-O ARK UNderground Konjic,
David Maljkovic (Group show)Wir sind alle AstronautenMARTA,
David Maljkovic (Group show)Rearview MirrorThe Power Plant,
David Maljkovic (Group show)Past DesireGalerie im Taxispalais,
David Maljkovic (Group show)Aether Project „Nouveau Festival du Centre Pompidou“Centre Pompidou,
David Maljkovic (Group show)Abstract Possible: The Tamayo TakeMuseo Tamayo,
Mexico City
2010oct 22 2010 - jan 23 2011David Maljkovic (Group show)Luc Tuymans: A vision of Central Europebruggecentraal-festival,
oct 08 - nov 21 2010David Maljkovic (Group show)The 51st October Salon BelgradeBelgrade Cultural Centre,
oct 07 - oct 10 2010David Maljkovic (Group show)(No Title)abc Berlin
oct 07 - nov 21 2010David Maljkovic (Group show)David Maljkovic51st October Salon,
sep 25 - dec 12 2010David Lamelas, David Maljkovic (Group show)29th Bienal de Săo Paulo 29th Bienal de Săo Paulo, Săo Paulo
jul 16 - sep 26 2010Thea Djordjadze, David Maljkovic (Group show)5x5 Castello 10Espai d’art contemporani de Castello (EACC), Castello
may 28 - aug 15 2010David Maljkovic (Group show)RehabilitationWiels Contemporary Art Centre,
may 01 - jun 21 2010Armando Andrade tudela, Rosa Barba, Andreas Hofer, Koo Jeong−a, David Maljkovic, Trevor Paglen, Christodoulos Panayiotou, Sterling Ruby, Paul Sietsema, Taryn Simon, Andro Wekua (Group show)Rethinking LocationSprüth Magers Berlin
apr 14 2010 - jul 16 0210David Maljkovic (Group show)Les Promesses du passéCentre Pompidou – Musée National d’Art Moderne,
mar 21 - sep 19 2010Alighiero Boetti, Cyprien Gaillard, Jenny Holzer, David Lamelas, David Maljkovic (Group show)Che cosa sono le nuvole?Museion of modern and contemporary art,
feb 13 - apr 28 2010David Maljkovic (Group show)Star City – An Archeology of Communist FuturesNottingham Contemporary,