Sprüth Magers Berlin London

1998 Ruiz Picasso, Bernard. Pages de Garde/End Papers, PaceWildenstein, poems by Ruiz Picasso, illustrations by Condo.

1997 Ginsberg, Allen. Selected Poems, New York: Harper Collins, 1997. (Cover portrait by George Condo).

1991 Burroughs, William S. and George Condo.  Ghost of Chance.  Whitney Museum of American Art, New York

1991 Condo, George. Art Random, Kyoto Shoin, Kyoto

1987 Condo, George. Mark Dagley. Tony Shafrazi Gallery, New York

Catalogues and Books

2013 'George Condo. Paintings Sculpture', Berlin: Distanz Verlag

2011 Ralph Rugoff: 'George Condo: Mental States', Manchester: Hayward Publishing.

2010 Troncy, Eric: 'Cartoon Abstractions', Paris, Galerie Jerome de Noirmont.

2010 Berckemeyer, Olivia / Bernd Wurlitzer: ‘Physical’, Berlin: Kunsthaller Autocenter.

2009 Lorguin, Olivier & Lorguin, Bertrand: 'George Condo: La civilisation perdue, édition bilingue français-anglais', Paris: Fondation Dina Vierny-Musée Maillol/Editions Gallimard.

2009 Thomas Kellein: 'George Condo', Brussels: Xavier Hufkens.

2009 Haendel, Karl: ‘Beg borrow and steal’, Miami: Rubell Family Collection

2008 'George Condo: Artificial Realism', Moskow: Gary Tatintsian Gallery Inc.

2007 Caruso, Laura (ed.): 'Radar: Selections from the Collection of Vicki and Kent Logan', Denver: Denver Art Museum.

2007 'Create your own Museum: Highlights from a Private Collection', Moscow: Gary Tantintsian Gallery Inc.

2007 'Impulse: Works on Paper from the Logan Collection', Vail, Colorado: The Logan Collection.

2007 Jacobs, Dan: 'Negotiating Reality: Recent Works from the Logan Collection', Denver: University of Denver.

2007 Kirwin, Liza / Moore, Alan W. : 'East Village USA', New Museum of Contemporary Art, 8 November.

2007 'Out of Shape: Stylistic Distortions of the Human Form in Art From the LOGAN COLLECTION', Poughkeepsie: The Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center, Vassar College.

2007 Willberg, Peter: 'George Condo', London: Simon Lee Gallery.

2007 ‘With the Artists, Meet the Artists’, New York, London: Deich Projects.

2006 George Condo – Existential Portraits. Sculpture, drawings, Paintings, Luhring Augustine, New York.

2005 Kellein,Thomas (ed.): George Condo. One Hundred Women. Retrospektive, Museum der Moderne, Salzburg; Kunsthalle, Bielefeld.

2004 Fleissig, Peter (ed.): George Condo. Memories of Manet and Velazquez, Galerie Jérôme de Noirmont.

2002 George Condo – The Imaginary Portraits of George Condo, New York.

2001 George Condo – Physiognomical Abstraction, Galerie Jerome de Noirmont, Paris.

2000 00: Drawings 2000 at Barbara Gladstone Gallery, Barbara Gladstone Gallery, New York.

1999 Condo, George et al.: George Condo – Portraits Lost In Space, PaceWildenstein and Deitch Projects, New York.

1998 Fitzgerald, Michael. George Condo: Collage Paintings, PaceWildenstein (with an interview).

1997 Davvetas, Demosthenes. Dialogues, France: Au M'me titre, Imprimé par Jouve.

1996 Myths and Magical Fantasies, California Center for the Arts Museum, Escondido.

1996 Le thorei-Daviot, Pascale. Petit dictionnaire des artistes contemporains, Paris, Bordas.

1995 Kuspit, Donald. George Condo: Paintings and Drawings, PaceWildenstein, New York.

1994 Burroughs, Willam S. George Condo: Recent Paintings. The Pace Gallery, New York.

1993 Drawing the Line Against AIDS, American Foundation for AIDS Research (AmFAR) International.

1993 Wilson, Adolfo and Namia Mondolfi. Materia, Imagen y Concepto: Un Recorrido por el Arte Contempor·neo Internacional. Galeria Namia Mondolfi, Caracas.

1992  George Condo: Obra 1990-1992. Galeria Soledad Lorenzo, Madrid.

1992 Dickhoff, Wilfried and Reiner Speck. Ars Pro Domo. Gesellschaft für Moderne Kunst am Museum Ludwig, Cologne.

1992 Le Portrait Dans L'Art Contemporain. Musèe d'Art Moderne et d'Art Contemporain, Nice.

1992 Rose, Bernice. Allegories of Modernism: Contemporary Drawing. The Museum of Modern Art, New York.

1992 Bonet, Juan Manuel and Gorge Condo. George Condo. Galeria Salvador Riera, Barcelona.

1991 Cervantes, Miguel, Charles Merewether, Francesco Pellizzi, Alberto Ruy S·nchez, Peter Schjeldahl, and Edward J. Sullivan. Mito y Magia en Amèrica: Los Ochenta. Monterrey: Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Monterrey.

1991 George Condo: Recent Paintings. The Pace Gallery, New York.

1991 George Condo. Art Random, Kyoto Shoin International, Co., Ltd., Kyoto.

1991 Riley, Charles A. II. Sèlection. Musèe d'Art Contemporain, Pully/Lausanne.

1990 George Condo, Galerie Daniel Templon, Paris.

1990 PHARMAKON '90. Tokyo.

1989 Bilderstreit. Museum Ludwig, Cologne.

1989 George Condo. Waddington Galleries, London.

1988 George Condo: Paintings and Drawings. The Pace Gallery, New York.

1988 Honnef, Klaus: Kunst der Gegenwart. Taschen.

1988 Weinberg, Adam D. Aldo Crommelynck: Master Prints with American Artists. Whitney Museum of American Art at Equitable Center, New York.

1987 Biennial Exhibition. New York: Whitney Museum of American Art.

1987 George Condo: Paintings & Drawings, Edition Galerie Bruno Bischofberger

1987 Condo: Gemälde/Paintings, Munich: Kunstverein München

1987 xcerpts from the novel Orest and interview with the artist by Demosthenes Davvetas.

1986 George Condo, Barbara Gladstone Gallery, New York.

1986 Dickhoff, Wilfried. Primer Salon Irrealiste, Tenerife. Galeria Leyendecker, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

1986 George Condo. Akira Ikeda Gallery, Tokyo.

1986 Godfrey, Tony. The New Image, Paintings in the 1980's. New York.

1986 Saltz, Jerry. Beyond Boundaries. New York.

1986 Thomas, Karin. Bis Heute. Cologne.

1985 Künstliche Paradiese. Kunstverein München/ Museum Folkwang, Essen.

1985 Dickhoff, Wilfried / Wolfgang Drechsler: Phase II., Steirischer Herbst '85. Stadtmuseum Graz.

1984 Dickhoff, Wilfried (ed.): Nouveau Boheme, Cologne: Monika Sprüth Galerie

Selected Articles and Reviews

2014 Solway, Diane: ‘George Condo’s Altered States’, W Magazine, Online, 13 February.

2013 Ackermann, Tim: ‘Titian’s Dig and Me’, Welt am Sonntag, Online, 21 April 2013.

2013 Baker, Simon: ‘Condo’, Interview, June 2013, p.52-61

2013 Belcove, Julie: ‘Where Old Masters and Looney Tunes collide’, The Financial Times, 22 April 2013, p. 15.

2013 Blouin Artinfo, Online, 9 Januar 2013

2013 Meixner, Christiane, Der Tagesspiegel, Online, 20 April 2013

2013 Russeth, Andrew,GalleristNY, Online, 19 March 2013

2013 Meinecke, Anna, Gallerytalk.net, Online, 23 April 2013

2013 Belcove, Julie, The Financial Times, 22 April 2013, p. 15

2013 Vogel, Carol, The New York Times, Arts Beat, Online, 25 January 2013

2013 Solway, Diane, W Magazine, Online, January 2013

2013 Welt am Sonntag, Online, 21 April 2013

2013 Hirsch, Annabelle, Weltkunst, no 72, vol 83, Spring 2013, pp. 98 - 101

2012 Danicke, Sandra, 'Symphatie für das Merkwürdige', Art, no. 3, p. 103.

2012 Aliyeva, Leyla, 'Heart of the Artist', Baku, Summer, pp. 54-S3.

2012 Gropp, Rose-Maria, 'Von Wahn und Sinn', FAZ, no. 64, 15 March, p. 29.

2012 Crüwell, Konstanze, 'Harmonie widerstreitender Kräfte', FAZ, no. 45, 22 February, p. 40.

2012 Kimmel, Adam, 'Condo', Interview', February, pp. 134-139.

2012 Huther, Christian, 'George Condo', Kunstforum International, issue 215, April-June, pp. 312-313.

2012 'Alte Meister, von neuen geliebt', Monopol, no. 4, p. 30.

2012 Stahl, Antje, 'Fratzen mit Mausohren, Fürsten als Clowns: George Condo in Frankfurt', Monopol, no. 3. p. 111.

2012 Weier, Sabine, 'Fruchtbare Begegnungen – George Condo und die Literatur', Schirn Magazin, 10 April.

2012 Cichosch, Katharina, 'Eine schrecklich nette Familie', Schirn Magazin, 16 May.

2012 Stalla, Mario, 'Das Erbe des Pop', TAZ, 9 May, p. 16.

2012 Müller, Hans-Joachim, 'Mit den Clowns kamen die Bilder', Welt am Sonntag, Kultur, 26 February, p. 52.

2011 Plagens, Peter: 'Eye Level: Condo Elevates by New Museum', Art in America, no. 4, April, pp. 35-36.

2011 Rimanelli, David: 'George Condo', Artforum, April, p. 211.

2011 Wei, Lilly: 'George Condo', Art News, April, p. 108.

2011 Cotter, Holland: 'A Mind Where Picasso Meets Looney Tunes', The New York Times, 27 January.

2011 Gamerman, Ellen: 'George Condo Visits the Old Masters', The Wall Street Journal, 29-30 January, p. C14.

2010 Ackermann, Tim: 'Herr der glotzenden Fratzen', Welt am Sonntag, no. 5, 31 January, p. 68.

2010 Hinrichsen, Jens: 'Mächtige Mädchen', Der Tagesspiegel, 13 March, p. 18.

2010 Hurwitz, Laurie: 'George Condo. Jérome de Noirmont', ARTnews, June, p. 117.

2010 Jeppesen, Travis: 'George Condo. Sprüth Magers Berlin', Artforum Online, 16 February, .

2010 Kuspit, Donald: 'George Condo. Skarstedt Gallery', Artforum, issue XLVIII, no. 9, May, pp. 252-253.

2010 Sack, Adriano: 'Freakshow: Der US-Designer Adam Kimmel kollaboriert mit George Condo', Monopol, no. 3/2010, March, pp. 16-17.

2010 Shackleton, Holly: 'George Condo is an artist's artist', i-D, April, p. 230.

2009 Casadio, Mariuccia: 'Retrieve', Vogue Italia, no. 711, November.

2009 Gioni, Massimiliano: 'George Condo', Flash Art, issue 278, October/November, pp. 56-59.

2009 Lewis, Ben: 'Können vor Lachen', Monopol, February, pp. 30-42.

2008 'Art in Review: George Condo', The New York Times, 21 March, p. E29.

2008 Bryant, Eric: 'George Condo', ARTnews, May, p. 147.

2008 'George Condo', Art + Auction, April, p. 23.

2008 'George Condo, Tatintsian Gallery', Art Observed, 16 June, .

2008 'George Condo', Art World, June - July, pp. 62-67.

2008 'George Condo’s Christ the Subjective Nature of Objective Representation', ungravenimage.com, 6 March, .

2008 'George Condo', The New Yorker, March 24, p. 14.

2008 Holzwarth, Hans Werner: 'George Condo', in: Art Now, issue 3, pp. 96-99.

2008 'Influence. Mary-Kate Olsen and Ashley Olson', Razorbill, pp. 50-59, 260.

2008 Leffingwell, Edward: 'George Condo at Nicholas Robinson', Art in America, June - July.

2008 Mueller, S.: 'George Condo at Luhring Augustine', Art in America, June - July.

2008 Mack, Joshua: 'George Condo. Christ: The Subjective Nature of Objective Representation', Time Out, New York, issue 651, 20 - 27 March, p. 103.

2008 Mairs, Gary: 'Condo Painting (2000)', culturevulture.net, 14. Oktober 2008, .

2008 McCormick, Carlo: 'George Condo, Memory is the Medium', Whitewall, issue 10, Summer, pp. 14,128-139.

2008 'Seeing Warhol: 14 Artists Reflect His Vision, and Dozens of Friends Remember Him', Interview Magazine, June – July, p. 111.

2008 Toacmoga, Anna: 'High Life', Vogue Russia, May, p.126.

2008 Zeitz, Lisa: 'Ballsaal für Sprüth Magers', Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, no. 262, 8 November, p. 52.

2007 Bevan, Roger: 'Contemporary: Sales treble in two years', The Art Newspaper, March, p. 51.

2007 Buck, Louisa: 'Protest is so this year, darling', The Art Newspaper, no. 177, February, p. 35.

2007 Buck, Louisa: 'I like art that takes risks', The Art Newspaper, no. 177, February, p. 36.

2007 Cattelan, Maurizio: 'Interview with George Condo: Painting is the Big Casino in the Sky', Whitewall, issue 7, Fall, p. 42.

2007 Fels, Sophie: 'Meet the Artists', Time Out, New York, issue 603, 19 - 25 April, p. 72.

2007 G. A. 'Britisth peer buys Condo’s controversial Queens', The Art Newspaper, no. 177, February, p. 45.

2007 Gleadell, Colin: 'Breaking Records', Art Monthly, no. 305, April, p. 35.

2007 Gleadell, Colin: 'Roller Coaster Ride', Art Monthly, no. 303, February, p. 39.

2007 Herbert, Martin: 'George Condo: Simon Lee, London', Art Review, issue 10, April, pp. 136-137.

2007 Higgie, Jennifer: 'Time’s Fool', Frieze, issue 107, May, pp. Cover, 110-117.

2007 Lind, Alexander: 'New Luxury Condos', Art and Auction, May, p. 203

2007 Plagens, Peter: 'Fake Tiepolos and the Cabbage Patch Queen', Art News, volume 106, issue 7, Summer, pp. 182-185.

2007 Sanders, Mark: 'Team Art', AnOtherMan, issue 5, Autumn/Winter, pp. 94-95.

2007 Schwender, Martha: 'A Fair’s Strategy: Solo Artists, Themes and Specters of Blockbusters', The New York Times, 23 February, p. E40.

2007 Ward, Ossian: 'Curious George', Time Out London, no. 1903, p. 40.

2007 Wintour, Anna (ed): 'Power Flowers', Vogue USA, June, p. 210.

2007 Wintour, Anna (ed): 'Masterpiece Theater', Vogue USA, December, pp. 362-379.

2006 Wright, Karen: Kerouac & Me. George Condo interviewed. In: Modern Painters, London, yb. 19–4, p. 72 – 79.

2005 Stoeber, Michael: Über George Condo. In: Artist, Bremen, p. 32 – 37.

1999 Dickhoff, Wilfried:  After Nihilism: Essays on Contemporary Art . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

1992 Condo, George:  La L nea Quebrada y Extractos de 'El Gran Jefe' , in: George Condo: Obra 1990-1992. Galeria Soledad Lorenzo, Madrid.

1991 Dickhoff, Wilfried:  In Ictu Oculi: The Post-Nondeconstructive Paintings of George Condo , in: George Condo: Recent Paintings. The Pace Gallery, New York.

1990 Guattari, Fèlix:  Introduction  and  Discussion , in: George Condo, Galerie Daniel Templon, Paris.

1988 Geldzahler, Henry:  On George Condo  in George Condo: Paintings and Drawings. The Pace Gallery, New York.

1987 Dickhoff, Wilfried:  Expanding Canvas or The Alter-Ego Strikes Back  in: George Condo: Paintings & Drawings

1985 Flood, Richard:  Das Veritgo Paradigma , Künstliche Paradiese. ibd.

1985 Dickhoff, Wilfried:  Vor-Schein oder Aschenglanz , in: Künstliche Paradiese. Kunstverein München/ Museum Folkwang, Essen.