Sprüth Magers Berlin London
lives and works in London and New York.

1945 Born in Toledo, Ohio

1967 Founder of the Museum of Normal Art, New York

1972 Round-the-world trip


1971-72 New School for Social Research, New York (Anthropology and Philosophy)

1963-64 Cleveland Institute of Art

1965-67 The School of Visual Arts, New York City

1955–62 Toledo Museum School of Design

Magazine Editor

1977–78 Marxist Perspectives, art editor

1975–76 The Fox, coeditor

since 1969 Art & Language


2001 Purloined

1975 The Artist as Anthropologist

1969 Art after Philosophy

Teaching Position

since 2007 Professor, Istituto Universitario di Architettura, Venice

2001–06 Professor, Kunstakademie Munich

1991–97 Professor, Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart

1988–90 Professor, Hochschule für Bildende Künste Hamburg

1967–85 Faculty, Department of Fine Art, The School of Visual Arts, New York

1966–67 Assistent Director, The School of Visual Arts, New York

Visiting Professor and Guest Lecturer e.g. at: Yale University, Cornell University, New York University, Duke University, UCLA, Cal Arts, Cooper Union, Pratt Institute, MoMA – The Museum of Modern Art, New York, Art Institute of Chicago, Royal Academy, Copenhagen, Ashmoleon Museum, Oxford University, University of Rome, Kunstakademie Berlin, Royal College of Art, London, Glasgow School of Art, Hayward Gallery, London, Sorbonne, Paris, Sigmund Freud Museum, Vienna.

Awards, Grants & Fellowships

2003 Decoration of Honor in Gold for Services to the Republic of Austria

2001 Laura Honoris Causa, doctorate in Philosophy and Letters, University of Bologna

1999 postage stamp – issued by the French Government in honor of his work in Figeac

1993 Menzione d’Onore, Venice Biennale

1993 Chevalier de l’ordre des Arts et des Lettres, France

1991 Frederick Weisman Award

1990 Brandeis Award

1968 Cassandra Foundation Grant