Sprüth Magers Berlin London
 List all showsList solo shows
2020feb 20 - may 17 2020Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Inspiration - Iconic WorksNationalmuseum,

2019oct 24 2019 - feb 09 2020Joseph Kosuth (Group show) EKPHRASIS - Writing in ArtBoghossian Foundation - Villa Empain,
Brussels, BE
oct 11 - nov 26 2019Joseph Kosuth (Group show)WORDSAlexander Berggruen Gallery,
New York City, USA
oct 08 2019 - jan 31 2020Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Thonet Re-ImaginedSchellmann Art,
Munich, DE
oct 05 - dec 21 2019Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Who knows oneVistamare,
Pescara, IT
sep 28 2019 - feb 14 2020Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Never the same riverAnna Schwartz Gallery,
Melbourne, AU
sep 13 - nov 17 2019Joseph Kosuth (Group show)When you dance you make me happyGallerie delle Prigioni,
Treviso, IT
sep 04 - mar 22 2019Joseph Kosuth (Group show)‘Located World, Miami Beach’Miami Convention Centre,
Miami, FL, USA
jul 11 - aug 03 2019Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Did Set VeritasAnna Kultys Gallery,
jun 18 - oct 27 2019Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Shadows, from Renaissance to TodayFondation de l’Hermitage,
may 07 - nov 24 2019Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Was. Is. Will Be. 40 Years of GalleryLa Galleria,
apr 07 - sep 29 2019Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Quaestio de aqua et terra by Andrea VilianiCastello di Angela,
Rocca Castello, IT
feb 20 - aug 26 2019Joseph Kosuth (Group show)The Collection of the Fondation. A Vision for PaintingFondation Louis Vuitton,
feb 08 - mar 15 2019Joseph Kosuth (Group show)What Remains is What the Poets FoundPS120,
2018nov 23 2018 - mar 10 2019Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Marcel Duchamp. 100 Questions. 100 Answers.Staatsgallerie Stuttgart,
Stuttgart, Germany
nov 17 2018 - mar 17 2019Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Out of the Retina and Into the Brain: The Art Library of Aaron and Barbara LevineThe Art Institute of Chicago,
Chicago, IL, USA
nov 16 - nov 16 2018Joseph Kosuth (Group show)‘In Conversation’ with Aaron LevineThe Art Institute of Chicago,
Chicago, IL, USA
nov 12 2018 - mar 31 2019Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Andy Warhol – From A to B and Back AgainWhitney Museum of American Art,
New York City, NY, USA
nov 09 - nov 09 2018Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Joseph Kosuth in conversation with architect Peter Eisenman450 Park Ave, New York / ARTIND,
New York City, NY, USA
jul 21 2018 - feb 24 2019Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Sights & Sounds: Art, Nature, and the SensesToledo Museum of Art
apr 18 - sep 03 2018Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Plato in L.A.: Contemporary Artists’ VisionsThe Getty Villa,
feb 23 - may 12 2018Joseph Kosuth (Group show)More Than WordsMazzoleni Gallery, London, UK
jan 06 - feb 03 2018Joseph KosuthEdifice, Complex, Visionary, StructureSean Kelly Gallery,
New York
2017dec 18 2017 - feb 18 2018Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Neon RevolutionVideoinsight Center,
Turin, Italy
oct 31 2017 - jan 20 2018Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Neon in Contextual Play: Joseph Kosuth and Arte PoveraMazzoleni Gallery,
oct 30 - dec 16 2017Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Words Without Thoughts Never to Heaven GoAlmine Rech
oct 18 2017 - aug 01 2019Joseph Kosuth (Group show)What Absence is Made ofHirschhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden,
Washington DC, USA
sep 17 2017 - jun 30 2018Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Time Extended / 1964 - 1978. Part II Works and Documents from the Herbert FoundationHerbert Foundation
sep 14 - oct 25 2017Joseph Kosuth (Group show)ICONGalerie Krinzinger,
aug 26 - dec 23 2017Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Paper, Canvas, NeonGrundy Art Gallery
jul 10 - sep 30 2017Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Richard Artschwager, Joseph Kosuth, Robert Morris, Keith Sonder: 1962 - 1968Castelli Gallery,
New York
jul 10 - nov 04 2017Richard Artschwager, Joseph Kost, Joseph Kosuth, Robert Morris, Keith Sonder (Group show)Richard Artschwager, Joseph Kost, Robert Morris, Keith Sonder: 1962 - 1968Castelli Gallery
jul 09 - oct 01 2017Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Wall to Wall: Carpets by ArtistsKatonah Museum of Art,
New York,
jun 22 - jan 14 2017Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Specular Windows21er Haus,
may 19 - jul 28 2017Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Colour in Contextual Play - An Installation by Joseph KosuthMazzoleni Art
may 14 - sep 03 2017Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Some Aestheti Decisions: A Centennial Celebration of Marcel Duchamp’s FoundationNSU Fort Lauderdale
may 13 - nov 26 2017Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Personal StructuresPalazzo Bembo,
may 13 - nov 26 2017Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Unpacking My Library - The Virtual Library of the Hungarian Pavilion 1986 - 2017The Library of the Ludwig Museum , Museum of Contemporary Art (57th International Venice Biennale),
may 09 - jul 02 2017Joseph Kosuth (Group show)CollectionHotel Metropol, Oriental Bar (57th International Biennale),
apr 27 - may 31 2017Joseph Kosuth (Group show)The Carpet Kartell - Equator Productions & Henzel StudioTanja Grunert,
New York
apr 10 - may 26 2017Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Marcel Duchamp FOUNTAIN - An HomageFrancis M. Naumann Fine Art,
New York
mar 31 2017Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Back to Basics: TextEnia Gallery,
mar 31 - jul 30 2017Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Patrick Pound: The Great ExhibitionNGV Australia,
mar 29 - may 28 2017Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Afriques CapitalesLa Villette,
mar 19 - sep 10 2017Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Los Angeles to New York: Dwan Gallery, 1959 - 1971L.A. County Museum of Art
mar 10 - oct 03 2017Joseph Kosuth (Group show)UncannyEnia Gallery,
mar 01 - apr 22 2017Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Colour isWaddington Custot Galleries, London
feb 04 - mar 05 2017Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Art Space GermanyNational Library Kolkata
feb 03 - may 18 2017Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Du Verbe à la CommunicationCarré d’Art,
jan 01 - nov 05 2017Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Infinite BlueBrooklyn Museum
2016oct 13 - nov 19 2016Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Let There Be (More) Light - An Illumination by Jens HoffmannJessica Silverman Gallery,
San Francisco
sep 26 2016 - sep 26 2017Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Time Extended / 1964 - 1978. Works and Documents from the Herbert FoundationHerbert Foundation,
sep 21 2016 - jan 23 2017Joseph KosuthRené Magritte - La trahison des imagesCentre Pompidou, Paris
sep 21 - nov 30 2016Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Checkmate. Games of International Art from the Sixties to NowCortesi Gallery,
sep 15 - may 14 2016Joseph Kosuth (Group show)TEXTNational Gallery of Iceland
sep 01 2016 - jan 07 2017Joseph KosuthNEON: the Charged LineGrundy Art Gallery,
aug 12 - sep 25 2016Joseph KosuthKuntstraum DeutschlandIFA Seoul National University Museum of Art,
jul 06 - aug 24 2016Joseph Kosuth Daydreaming with Stanley KubrickSomerset House, London
jun 18 - oct 09 2016Joseph KosuthDefining Sculpture Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo
jun 05 - sep 25 2016Joseph KosuthQuand fondra la neige ou ira le blancPalazzo Fortuny, Venice
jun 04 - jul 23 2016Joseph Kosuth, Robert MorrisJoseph Kosuth, Robert Morris. March 1969Jan Mot, Brussels
may 26 - jun 01 2016Joseph KosuthTempo e DettagliFoscari University, Venice
feb 28 - jun 26 2016Joseph KosuthAugenblick! Die Faszination des SehensStadtmuseum Erlangen, Erlangen
feb 13 - mar 19 2016Joseph KosuthNulla Dies Sine LineaSatellite Berlin, Berlin
feb 04 - jul 03 2016Joseph KosuthGenorosity: The Art of GivingNational Gallery Prague, Prague
2015dec 12 2015 - apr 17 2016Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Seth Siegelaub: Beyond Conceptual ArtStedelijk Museum,
oct 21 2015Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Plays of / for a RespirateurPhiladelphia Museum of Art
may 22 - jun 22 2015Joseph Kosuth (Group show)12th Havana BiennaleCentro Wilfredo Lam,
mar 05 - apr 30 2015Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Drawing BiennialDrawing Room,
2014oct 10 - nov 05 2014Joseph Kosuth (Group show)What Marcel Duchamp Taught MeFine Art Society,
sep 19 2014 - jan 11 2015Richard Artschwager, John Baldessari, Thomas Demand, Jenny Holzer, Joseph Kosuth, Cindy Sherman, Rosemarie Trockel (Group show)Sigmund Freud. Eine Installation von Joseph Kosuth21er Haus,
may 03 - oct 30 2014Joseph Kosuth, Sterling Ruby (Group show)Man in the MirrorVanhaerents Art Collection,
apr 11 - aug 24 2014Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Tirol - München - Begegnungen von 1880 bis heuteTiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum
jan 24 - mar 16 2014Joseph Kosuth, Ed Ruscha (Group show)CounterIntelligenceJustina M. Barnicke Gallery,
2013dec 17 2013 - apr 23 2014Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Anni `70. Arte Roma.Palazzo delle Esposizioni,
nov 29 2013 - aug 31 2014Donald Judd, Joseph Kosuth, Rosemarie Trockel (Group show)WallworksHamburger Bahnhof, Berlin
nov 27 2013 - feb 23 2014Joseph Kosuth (Group show)White Light/White Heat: Contemporary Artists & GlassWallace Collection,
nov 09 2013 - feb 23 2014Richard Artschwager, Jenny Holzer, Astrid Klein, Joseph Kosuth, Barbara Kruger, Ed Ruscha, Alexandre Singh (Group show)Zeichen. Sprache. Bilder - Schrift in der Kunst seit den 1960er JahrenStädtische Galerie Karlsruhe
oct 20 2013 - sep 14 2014Hanne Darboven, Thomas Demand, Sylvie Fleury, Andreas Gursky, Donald Judd, Joseph Kosuth, Barbara Kruger, Thomas Scheibitz, Rosemarie Trockel (Group show)IncontriSchauwerk,
jun 21 - nov 10 2013Jenny Holzer, Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Sammlung #321er Haus, Österreichische Galerie Belvedere,
jun 21 2013 - sep 30 2016Joseph KosuthPer_formare Una Collezione #1Museum MADRE, Napoli
jun 18 2013 - apr 21 2014Joseph Kosuth (Group show)"The Red Queen"MONA
(Museum of Old and New Art),
Hobart, Tasmania
jun 01 - nov 24 2013Richard Artschwager, Alighiero Boetti, Thomas Demand, Joseph Kosuth, Robert Morris (Group show)When Attitudes Become Form: Bern 1969/Venice 2013Fondazione Prada - Ca' Corner della Regina,
jun 01 - nov 24 2013Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Ars Aevi Collection in Progress 1993-2013Ars Aevi, Museum of Contemporary Art Sarajevo, Arsenale, La Tesa 105,
jun 01 - nov 24 2013Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Glasstress: WHITE LIGHT/WHITE HEATPalazzo Cavelli Franchetti,
apr 08 - jul 28 2013Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Fragile?Le Stanze del Vetro,
2012oct 27 2012 - jan 20 2013Jenny Holzer, Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Enlightened: Electric Light as the Fairy of Art
jun 27 - sep 23 2012John Baldessari, Joseph Kosuth, Louise Lawler (Group show)Malereien in Fotografie - Strategien der AneignungStädel Museum,
jun 20 - nov 04 2012Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Neon - la materia luminosa dell'arteMuseo d'Arte Contemporanea di Roma, MARCO,
feb 17 - may 20 2012Joseph Kosuth (Group show)NeonLa Maison Rouge, Fondation Antoine de Galbert,
2011jun 19 - oct 30 2011John Baldessari, Walter Dahn, Hanne Darboven, Thomas Demand, Peter fischli david Weiss, Cyprien Gaillard, Donald Judd, Joseph Kosuth (Group show)20 Jahre Gegenwart. MMK 1991 - 2011Museum für moderne Kunst,
jun 19 - oct 30 2011John Baldessari, Walter Dahn, Thomas Demand, Peter fischli david Weiss, Cyprien Gaillard, Donald Judd, Joseph Kosuth (Group show)20 Years of Presence. MMK 1991 - 2011Museum für Moderne Kunst,
jun 04 - nov 27 2011Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Personal Structures – Time-Space-ExistencePersonal Structures,
2010oct 25 - apr 05 2010Keith Arnatt, Richard Artschwager, Joseph Kosuth, Ed Ruscha (Group show)1969MoMA P.S.1,
Long Island
jul 09 - oct 03 2010Joseph Kosuth, Robert Morris, Frank StellaPainting: Process and Expansion From the 1950s till NowMuseum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig – MUMOK,
2009dec 05 2009 - apr 10 2010Thomas Demand, Andreas Gursky, Joseph Kosuth, Reinhard Mucha, Thomas Ruff, Frank Stella, Rosemarie TrockelJust What is it...ZKM | Zentrum üür Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe,
dec 04 2009 - apr 11 2010Joseph Kosuth, Cindy Sherman, Rosemarie Trockel (Group show)Just what is it …ZKM, Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie,
nov 26 2009 - jan 30 2010Alighiero Boetti, Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Paesaggi verbaliCa’ di Fra’ Arte Contemporanea,
nov 15 2009 - apr 03 2010Richard Artschwager, John Baldessari, Philip-Lorca diCorcia, Nan Goldin, Jenny Holzer, Gary Hume, Joseph Kosuth, Barbara Kruger, Richard Prince, Richard Prince, Ed Ruscha (Group show)We are the world. Figures & PortraitsFisher Landau Center for Art,
Long Island City
2008jun 01 - jul 26 2008Joseph Kosuth, Robert MorrisSelections from the Collection of Helga & Walther LauffsHauser & Wirth
may 25 - aug 10 2008Anna & Bernhard Blume, Joseph Kosuth, Rosemarie Trockel (Group show)Pas de Deux - Wie sich die Bilder gleichenStädtische Galerie Villa Zanders -
Bergisch Gladbach
apr 12 - jun 29 2008Vito Acconci, John Baldessari, Dan Flavin, Sylvie Fleury, Nan Goldin, Donald Judd, Joseph Kosuth, Barbara Kruger, Cindy Sherman (Group show)Las Implicaciones de la ImagenMUCA - Museo Universitario de Ciencias y Arte
Mexico City
mar 16 - may 25 2008John Baldessari, Alighiero Boetti, John Currin, Peter fischli david Weiss, Donald Judd, Joseph Kosuth, Sol Lewitt, Allan Mccollum, Gabriel Orozco, Cindy Sherman, Rosemarie Trockel (Group show)Second ThoughtsCCS BARD - The Center for Curatorial Studies at Bard College
feb 24 - jun 15 2008Joseph KosuthThe Artist’s LibraryIle de Vassivière
Centre international d´art et du paysage
2007dec 08 2007 - jan 20 2008Alighiero Boetti, Dan Flavin, Donald Judd, Joseph Kosuth, Barbara Kruger, Robert Morris20 ans du Musée d'Art Moderne - L'art après 1960 dans les collectionsMusée d'Art moderne
nov 16 2007 - aug 31 2008Joseph KosuthCome, come, come into my worldAlcoitão
Ellipse Foundation
nov 10 2007 - apr 06 2008Alighiero Boetti, Peter fischli david Weiss, Jenny Holzer, Joseph Kosuth, Barbara KrugerLa parola nell'arte. Ricerche d'avanguardia nel '900. Dal Futurismo ad oggi attraverso le Collezioni del MartRovereto
MART- Museo d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto
jul 07 - sep 02 2007Alighiero Boetti, Sylvie Fleury, Joseph KosuthCapricci (possibilités d’autres mondes) Luxembourg
jun 22 2007 - jan 06 2008Alighiero Boetti, Joseph KosuthNumericaSiena
Palazzo delle Papesse - Centro Arte Contemporanea
jun 02 - oct 14 2007Alighiero Boetti, Donald Judd, Joseph KosuthMARTa schweigt - Garde le silence, le silence te garderaHerford
feb 15 - apr 08 2007Dan Flavin, Joseph KosuthRefract, Reflect, Project - Light Works from the CollectionWashington DC
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden
jan 10 - may 01 2007Walter Dahn, Thomas Demand, Dan Flavin, Sylvie Fleury, Andreas Grusky, Joseph Kosuth, Rosemarie Trockel (Group show)Faster! Bigger! Better! lightZKM,
Joseph KosuthLII Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte – The language of the EquilibrumVenice
Biennale di Venezia
Joseph KosuthNumericaSiena
Palazzo Pappesse
Joseph KosuthCapricci – Possibilités d'Autres MondesLuxembourg
2006dec 15 2006 - aug 06 2008Alighiero Boetti, Joseph Kosuth, Robert MorrisKonzept. Aktion. SpracheVienna
MUMOK – Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig
nov 24 2006 - mar 24 2007Joseph KosuthLights onBrussels
nov 19 2006 - mar 04 2007Richard Artschwager, John Baldessari, Joseph Kosuth, Ed RuschaMagritte and Contemporary Art: The Treachery of ImagesLos Angeles
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
sep 24 2006 - jan 07 2007Walter Dahn, Thomas Demand, Dan Flavin, Sylvie Fleury, Andreas Gursky, Joseph Kosuth, Rosemarie Trockel (Group show)FASTER! BIGGER! BETTER!ZKM – Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie,
apr 02 - jul 30 2006Sylvie Fleury, Joseph KosuthThe Sublime is Now! Das Erhabene in der zeitgenössischen KunstBurgdorf
Museum Franz Gertsch
jan 17 - apr 07 2006Thea Djordjadze, Peter fischli david Weiss, Claus Föttinger, Thomas Grünfeld, Jenny Holzer, Stefan Kern, Joseph Kosuth, Louise Lawler, Michail Pirgelis, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Thomas Scheibitz, Andreas Schulze, Cindy Sherman, Rosemarie Trockel, Franz WestMondi PossibiliSprüth Magers Cologne
jan 14 - mar 26 2006Richard Artschwager, Sylvie Fleury, Joseph Kosuth, Andrea Zittel (Group show)Conversation with Art, on Art. Bauhaus to Contemporary Art – Daimler Chrysler CollectionTokyo
Opera City Art Gallery
Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth and Ilya & Emilia Kabakov: Hans Christian Andersen-A Life WorldReykjavik
Art Museum
Joseph Kosuth37. Poetry International FestivalRotterdam
City Theatre
2005nov 19 2005 - aug 06 2006Vito Acconci, Olafur Eliasson, Peter fischli david Weiss, Dan Flavin, Sylvie Fleury, Jenny Holzer, Astrid Klein, Joseph Kosuth, Rosemarie Trockel, Franz West (Group show)Lichtkunst aus Kunstlicht / Light Art from Artificial LightKarlsruhe
ZKM – Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie
jun 28 - oct 05 2005Vito Acconci, Alighiero Boetti, Joseph KosuthArea '70Milan
jun 18 - aug 28 2005Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth and Ilya & Emilia Kabakov: Hans Christian Andersen - A Life WorldCopenhagen
Kunsthallen Nikolaj
jun 15 - mar 06 2005Jenny Holzer, Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Big Bang – Destruction and Creation in 20th Century ArtParis
Centre Pompidou
jan 14 - aug 14 2005John Baldessari, Alighiero Boetti, Walter Dahn, Peter fischli david Weiss, Dan Flavin, Sylvie Fleury, Donald Judd, Joseph Kosuth, Sol Lewitt, Michel Majerus, Franz West (Group show)EXIT- Ausstieg aus dem BildZKM – Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie,
2004oct 30 2004 - jan 30 2005Astrid Klein, Joseph KosuthSchrift Bilder Denken. Walter Benjamin und die Kunst der GegenwartBerlin
Haus am Waldsee
oct 21 2004 - mar 06 2005Richard Artschwager, John Baldessari, Ross Bleckner, Dan Flavin, Nan Goldin, Jenny Holzer, Donald Judd, Joseph Kosuth, Sol Lewitt, Robert Morris, Cindy ShermanVISIONS of AMERICA - Ikonen zeitgenössischer amerikanischer Kunst aus der Sammlung aus der Sammlung Essl und der Sonnabend Collection, New York
oct 03 - nov 06 2004Richard Artschwager, Sylvie Fleury, Joseph Kosuth, Andrea Zittel (Group show)The Daimler Chrysler CollectionIziko South African National Art Gallery,
Cape Town
sep 14 - oct 23 2004Joseph KosuthBefore The End (The Last Painting Show)New York
SI – Swiss Institute
jul 01 - oct 24 2004Joseph KosuthPop/Concept - Highlights from the Permanent CollectionNew York
Whitney Museum of American Art
jun 26 2004 - jan 02 2005Joseph Kosuth, Robert MorrisIntra-MurosNice
Musee d´Art Moderne et d`Art Contemporain
mar 21 - jun 27 2004Richard Artschwager, Sylvie Fleury, Joseph Kosuth, Andrea Zittel (Group show)The Daimler Art CollectionPretoria
Art Museum
mar 21 - jul 04 2004Richard Artschwager, Sylvie Fleury, Joseph Kosuth, Andrea Zittel (Group show)Daimler Chrysler Collection for South AfricaJohannesburg
Museum Africa
mar 20 - jun 19 2004Joseph KosuthBefore the end - Part IILe Consortium
mar 05 - may 19 2004Joseph Kosuth, Robert MorrisSingular Forms (Sometimes Repeated): Art from 1951 to the Present
2003oct 20 2003 - jan 10 2004Joseph KosuthZahlen - Zeit - Zeichen / Numbers - Time - SignsMainz
Galerie Dr. Dorothea van der Koelen
jun 27 - sep 28 2003Hans-peter Feldmann, Peter fischli david Weiss, Joseph Kosuth, Barbara Kruger, Louise Lawler, Sherrie Levine, Allan Mccollum, Rosemarie TrockelLiving with DuchampSaratoga Springs
Frances Young Tang Teaching Museum & Art Gallery at Skidmore College
mar 24 - aug 31 2003Richard Artschwager, Sylvie Fleury, Joseph Kosuth, Andrea ZittelThe DaimlerChrysler CollectionKarlsruhe
ZKM – Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie
jan 29 - mar 29 2003Richard Artschwager, John Baldessari, Thomas Demand, Joseph Kosuth, Louise Lawler, Sherrie LevineReProduktion 2Vienna
Georg Kargl Fine Arts
jan 26 - may 11 2003Alighiero Boetti, Sylvie Fleury, Jenny Holzer, Astrid Klein, Joseph Kosuth, Barbara Kruger, Michel Majerus, Richard Prince, Ed RuschaTalking pieces. Text und Bild in der neuen KunstLeverkusen
Museum Morsbroich
jan 19 - nov 09 2003Joseph KosuthFrom Broodthears to HornEindhoven
Stedelijk van Abbemuseum
2002dec 08 2002 - mar 09 2003Joseph KosuthMigrazioni – Kunstraum DeutschlandCaraglio
Cesac - Centro Sperimentale per le Arti Contemporanee
oct 27 - feb 02 2002Vito Acconci, Joseph KosuthTHE GIFT - Generous Offerings, Threatening HospitalityNew York
BxMA – Bronx Museum of Arts
sep 09 - nov 03 2002Sylvie Fleury, Joseph KosuthGuida IIIBolzan
MUSEION - Museo d’arte moderna e contemporanea
sep 01 - nov 30 2002John Baldessari, Joseph Kosuth, Michel MajerusKeine KleinigkeitBasel
may 04 - sep 01 2002Joseph KosuthIconoclash - Jenseits der Bilderkriege in Wissenschaft, Religion und KunstKarlsruhe
ZKM – Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie
2001Sylvie Fleury, Andreas Gursky, Joseph Kosuth, Barbara KrugerThe Overexcited Body. Arte e Sport nella Società ContemporaneaMilano
Palazzo dell'Arengario
Sylvie Fleury, Andreas Gursky, Joseph Kosuth, Barbara KrugerThe Overexcited Body. Art and Sport in Contemporary ScienceMilan
Velodromo Vigorelli
Sylvie Fleury, Andreas Gursky, Joseph Kosuth, Barbara KrugerThe Overexcited Body. Art and Sport in Contemporary ScienceMilan
Palazzo dell'Arengario
Sylvie Fleury, Andreas Gursky, Joseph Kosuth, Barbara KrugerThe Overexcited BodySão Paulo
Serviço Social do Comércio
1999Richard Artschwager, Jenny Holzer, Joseph Kosuth, Barbara Kruger, Lari Pittman, Richard Prince, Cindy Sherman, Stephen ShoreThe American Century: Art and Culture 1900-2000 Part II, 1950-2000New York
Whitney Museum of American Art
Astrid Klein, Joseph KosuthKunst für die Bundestagsneubauten, Ausstellung der KunstwettbewerbeBerlin
Gebäude Deutscher Bundestag
1998apr 04 - jun 28 1998Richard Artschwager, Joseph Kosuth, Ed RuschaRene Magritte en de hedendaagse kunstOostende
Museum voor Moderne Kunst
Andreas Gursky, Joseph Kosuth, David Lamelas4. Internationale Foto Triennale Esslingen – Fotografie als Handlung. Photography as ConceptEsslingen
Villa Merkel/bahnwärterhaus, Galerien der Stadt Esslingen
1997Sylvie Fleury, Joseph KosuthFort! Da! CooperationsEsslingen
Villa Merkel, Galerie der Stadt Esslingen am Neckar
Richard Artschwager, Joseph KosuthXLVII Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte – Future, Present, Past, 1967-1997Venice
La Biennale di Venezia
1996Dan Flavin, Donald Judd, Joseph Kosuth, Robert MorrisOrnaggio a Leo Castelli, Da Rauschenberg a Warhol, da Flavin a Judd, negli anni Sessanta, 20 artisti a New York
1993Alighiero Boetti, Joseph KosuthXLV Esposizione Internazionale d'ArteVenedig
La Biennale di Venezia
1992jun 13 - sep 20 1992Richard Artschwager, Joseph Kosuth, Manuel Ocampo, Richard Prince, Robert Therriendocumenta IX
1989feb 24 - apr 22 1989Giovanni Anselmo, Joseph Beuys, Alighiero Boetti, Jenny Holzer, Joseph Kosuth, Barbara Kruger, Louise Lawler, Pier Paolo calzolari, Richard Prince, Rosemarie Trockelscripta manent – verba volantCologne
Monika Sprüth Galerie
John Baldessari, Jenny Holzer, Joseph Kosuth, Barbara Kruger, Richard Prince, Cindy ShermanImage World: Art and Media CultureNew York
*Whitney Museum
Joseph Kosuth, Robert TherrienArt in Place, Fifteen Years of AcquisitionsNew York
Whitney Museum of American Art
1987Joseph Kosuth, Lari Pittman1987 Whitney Biennial ExhibitionNew York
hitney Museum of American Art
1986sep 12 - oct 12 1986Ross Bleckner, George Condo, Walter Dahn, Joseph Kosuth, Ed Ruscha, Andreas Schulze, Rosemarie Trockel (Group show)What it isNew York
Shafrazi Gallery
1982jun 19 - sep 28 1982Vito Acconci, Richard Artschwager, John Baldessari, Alighiero Boetti, Walter Dahn, Jenny Holzer, Donald Judd, Joseph Kosuth, Barbara Kruger, Sherrie Levine, Sol Lewitt, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Ed Ruscha, Cindy Sherman (Group show)documenta 7 Kassel
1977jun 24 - oct 02 1977Vito Acconci, Anna & Bernhard Blume, Dan Flavin, Joseph Kosuth, Robert Morris, Ed Ruscha, Stephen Shore (Group show)Documenta 6Kassel
1976Richard Artschwager, Joseph Kosuth, Ed RuschaXXXVII Esposizione Internazionale d'ArteVenice
1975Richard Artschwager, Donald Judd, Joseph Kosuth, Robert MorrisGroup Exhibition: Artschwager, Chamberlain, Darboven, Grisi, Huebler, Judd, Kelly, Kosuth, Lichtenstein, Morris, Nauman, Owen, Rauschenberg, Rosenquist, WarholNew York
Leo Castelli Gallery
1974Joseph Kosuth, David LamelasProjekt 74 – Kunst bleibt KunstCologne
Kunsthalle, Kölnischer Kunstverein
Richard Artschwager, John Baldessari, Dan Flavin, Donald Judd, Joseph Kosuth, Sol Lewitt, Robert MorrisSome Recent American ArtAuckland
City of Auckland Art Gallery
1973Richard Artschwager, John Baldessari, Dan Flavin, Donald Judd, Joseph Kosuth, Sol Lewitt, Robert Morris (Group show)Some Recent American ArtMelbourne
National Gallery of Victoria
Richard Artschwager, John Baldessari, Dan Flavin, Donald Judd, Joseph Kosuth, Sol Lewitt, Robert Morris (Group show)Some Recent American ArtNew York
MoMA – The Museum of Modern Art
Richard Artschwager, John Baldessari, Dan Flavin, Donald Judd, Joseph Kosuth, Sol Lewitt, Robert Morris (Group show)Some Recent American ArtPerth
West Australian Art Gallery
Richard Artschwager, John Baldessari, Dan Flavin, Donald Judd, Joseph Kosuth, Sol Lewitt, Robert Morris (Group show)Some Recent American ArtSydney
Art Gallery of New South Wales
Richard Artschwager, John Baldessari, Dan Flavin, Donald Judd, Joseph Kosuth, Sol Lewitt, Robert Morris (Group show)Some Recent American ArtAdelaide
Art Gallery of South Australia
1972jun 30 - oct 08 1972Vito Acconci, Richard Artschwager, John Baldessari, Alighiero Boetti, Joseph Kosuth, David Lamelas, Sol Lewitt, Ed Ruschadocumenta 5Kassel
Documenta V
Joseph Kosuth'Konzept' – Kunst
1971may 18 - may 20 1971Vito Acconci, Siah Armajani, Mel Bochner, Jeanne Caring, Don Corrigan, Gene Davis, William Denner, Jan Dibbets, Walter Folger, Dan Graham, Craig Kauffman, Joseph Kosuth, James Lee byars, Sol Lewitt, Ed Mcgowin, Ian burn and mel Ramsten, N.e. Thing co., Ian WilsonThe Boardwalk Show / EastConvention Hall,
Atlantic City
Joseph Kosuth, David LamelasSeptième Biennale de ParisBois de Vincennes, Paris
Parc Floral de Paris
1969sep 30 - oct 12 1969Alighiero Boetti, Joseph Kosuth, David LamelasProspect 69Düsseldorf
Städtische Kunsthalle
mar 22 - apr 27 1969Richard Artschwager, Alighiero Boetti, Joseph Kosuth, Sol Lewitt, Robert MorrisLive in Your Head. When Attitudes Become Form: Works – Concepts – Processes – Situations – InformationBern
Kunsthalle Bern
Richard Artschwager, Alighiero Boetti, Joseph Kosuth, Sol Lewitt, Robert MorrisLive in Your Head. When Attitudes Become Form: Works – Concepts – Processes – Situations – Information London
Institut of Contemporary Art
Richard Artschwager, Alighiero Boetti, Joseph Kosuth, Sol Lewitt, Robert MorrisLive in Your Head. When Attitudes Become Form: Works – Concepts – Processes – Situations – InformationKrefeld
Museum Haus Lange - Haus Esters
Richard Artschwager, Alighiero Boetti, Joseph Kosuth, Sol Lewitt, Robert MorrisLive in Your Head. When Attitudes Become Form: Works – Concepts – Processes – Situations – InformationLeverkusen
Städtisches Museum
Joseph Kosuth, David LamelasKonzeption-ConceptionLeverkusen
Städtisches Museum Leverkusen - Schlo? Morsbroich
Joseph Kosuth, Robert MorrisJoseph Kosuth/Robert MorrisLaura Knott Gallery, Bradford Junior College
Joseph Kosuth, Sol Lewitt, Robert MorrisFifteen People Present Their Favorite BookNew York
Lannis Gallery (Museum of Normal Art)
Joseph KosuthArt by TelephoneChicago
MCA – Museum of Contemporary Art
Joseph Kosuth, Sol Lewitt, Robert MorrisAndre, Barry, Huebler, Kosuth, LeWitt, Morris, Weiner [The Xerox Book]New York
Seth Siegelaub and Jack Wendler
1968Joseph KosuthLanguage IINew York
Dwan Gallery
1967Joseph KosuthNon-Anthropomorphic Art by Four Young ArtistsNew York
Lannis Gallery
1966Joseph Kosuthnew talentStamford
Art Center
0000Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Time Extended / 1964 - 1978. Works and Documents from the Herbert FoundationHerbert Foundation,
Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Time Extended / 1964 - 1978. Works and Documents from the Herbert FoundationHerbert Foundation,
Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Programmed: Rules, Codes, and Choreographies in Art, 1965–2018WHITTNEY,
New York, USA
Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Ovidio. Amori e MetamorforsiScuderie del Quirinale,
Rome, Italy