Sprüth Magers Berlin London
 List all showsList group shows
2020jun 18 - sep 20 2020Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Inspiration - Contemporary Art & ClassicsAteneum Art Museum, Finnish National Gallery,

jan 22 - feb 28 2020Joseph Kosuth#83 Joseph Kosuth, ‘(A Grammatical Remark) #11’, 2019 and Seamus Farrell, ‘Britain, A Horizon Line Alined’, 2019Chelsea Space,
2019oct 24 2019Joseph KosuthExistential TimeLia Rumma Gallery,
Milan IT
2018feb 10 - jun 10 2018Joseph Kosuth (Group show)Still Waters Run DeepKaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
jan 26 - mar 28 2018Joseph KosuthTimeCatherine Bastide,
2017nov 25 2017 - mar 02 2018Joseph KosuthMaxima PropositoVistamare Gallery,
Pescara, Italy
nov 12 - nov 12 2017Joseph KosuthArt HourSoho Radio
oct 26 - oct 26 2017Joseph KosuthA Symposium on Marcel DuchampStaatsgalerie Stuttgart
oct 07 - nov 11 2017Joseph KosuthA Short History of My Thought - Joseph KosuthAnna Schwatz Gallery,
sep 14 2017 - jan 06 2018Joseph KosuthNotations for Thinking - a selectionDip contemporary art,
jul 11 - aug 25 2017Joseph KosuthWords are DeedsPhillips,
2015dec 08 2015 - feb 19 2016Joseph KosuthMADE AT CONCEPTIONCastelli Gallery,
New York
nov 19 - dec 20 2015Joseph KosuthA Zoology of ThinkingGalleri Brandstrup,
nov 06 - dec 19 2015Joseph KosuthAgnosia, an Illuminated OntologySean Kelly Gallery,
New York
apr 17 - jun 21 2015Joseph KosuthJoseph KosuthMAMM,
2014nov 26 2014 - feb 14 2015Joseph KosuthAmnesia: various, luminous, fixed.Sprüth Magers London
jan 19 - aug 24 2014Joseph KosuthExistence and the World - Das Dasein und die WeltKunstmuseum Thurgau,
2013may 04 - oct 13 2013Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth. Eine verstummte BibliothekKunstmuseum Thurgau
apr 27 - aug 31 2013Joseph KosuthInsomnia: assorted, illuminated, fixed.Sprüth Magers Berlin
2012feb 23 - feb 23 2012Joseph KosuthArtist Talk with Daniel Buren (requested), Joseph Kosuth and Renate WiehagerDaimler Collection, Haus Huth,
2011sep 10 - oct 01 2011Joseph Kosuth'The Mind’s Image of Itself #3' a play of architecture and the mindSprüth Magers London
may 26 - aug 01 2011Joseph KosuthTexts for Nothing (Waiting for –) Samuel Beckett, in playHaus Konstruktiv,
2010dec 21 2010 - feb 27 2011Joseph Kosuth'(Waiting for—) Texts for Nothing' Samuel Beckett, in playAustralian Center for Contemporary Art,
2007Joseph KosuthJoseph KosuthLas Palmas de Gran Canaria
CAAM – Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno
2006jul 12 - oct 01 2006Joseph KosuthNichtsFrankfurt
Schirn Kunsthalle
may 16 - jul 30 2006Joseph Kosuth(No Title)Turin
Castello di Rivoli
feb 08 - apr 13 2006Joseph Kosuth(No Title)Sprüth Magers London
feb 08 - apr 13 2006Joseph Kosuth(No Title)London
Sprüth Magers Lee
Joseph KosuthA labyrinth into which I can ventureNew York
Sean Kelly Gallery
Joseph KosuthA phenomenon of the library

Galerie Almine Rech
2005sep 09 - oct 29 2005Joseph KosuthEarly WorksSprüth Magers Munich
Joseph Kosuth(A Grammatical Remark) PescaraPescara
Joseph KosuthThirteen Locations of MeaningMolfetta
Torrione Passari
Joseph KosuthFelix Gonzalez Torres and Joseph Kosuth
New York
Andrea Rosen Gallery
2004oct 23 - dec 04 2004Joseph KosuthÀ Propos (Réflecteur de Réflecteur)New York
Sean Kelly Gallery
apr 03 - apr 27 2004Joseph KosuthRe-defining the Context of Art: 1968-2004/ The Second Investigation/ Public MediaEindhoven
Van Abbemuseum
Joseph KosuthGuests and Foreigners, Rules and Meanings (Athens)Athens
Hellenic American Union
2003Joseph Kosuth(No Title)Ittingen
Kunstmuseum des Kantons Thurgau
2002Joseph Kosuth Joseph Kosuth - Windows ProjectRome
Adriano Olivetti Foundation
2001Joseph Kosuth(No Title)Stuttgart
Joseph Kosuth(No Title)New York
Sean Kelly
2000Joseph KosuthEssaysNew York
Sean Kelly Gallery
Joseph KosuthEssaysBerlin
Galerie Achim Kubinski
Joseph KosuthEssaysMilan
Galleria Lia Rumma
Joseph KosuthJoseph KosuthBasel
Joseph KosuthGuests and Foreigners, Rules and Meanings (Te Kore)Wellington
Adam Art Gallery
Joseph Kosuth(No Title)Berlin
Galerie Anselm Dreher
Joseph KosuthEight Locations of MeaningSarajevo
Collegium Artisticum
Joseph KosuthPlace of Writing, Five Works by Joseph Kosuth, from One and Three Chairs to Ex Libris, J.-F. Champollion (Figeac)Figeac
Musée Champollion
Joseph KosuthArtist, Curator, Collector: James McNeill Whistler, Bernard Berenson and Isabella Stewart Gardner – Three Locations in the Creative ProcessBoston
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Joseph KosuthGuests and Foreigners: The Years of Isolation. (Including a Survey of Works 1965-1999)Tokushima
Modern Art Museum
1999Joseph KosuthGäste und Fremde: Goethes Italienische Reise. Eine InstallationFrankfurt am Main
Schirn Kunsthalle
Joseph KosuthCondizioni D’Assenza (Il nome e chi lo porta, a G.)Rome
Villa Medici – Académie de France
Joseph KosuthGuests and Foreigners: The Years of Isolation. (Including a Survey of Works 1965-1999)Chiba City
Museum of Art
Joseph KosuthEssaysNaples
Galleria Lia Rumma
Joseph KosuthEine verstummte BibliothekIttingen
Kunstmuseum des Kantons Thurgau
Joseph KosuthKonuklar ve Yabancilar: Rossini Türkiye deIstanbul
Borusan Kültür ve Sanat
Joseph KosuthFrammenti di Rossini (Ospiti e Stranieri)Pesaro
Galleria Franca Mancini
Joseph KosuthVon Angesicht zu AngesichtFrankfurt am Main
Römerberg – Subway Station
1998Joseph KosuthDie Anfänge der Konzeptkunst: Frühe Arbeiten von Joseph Kosuth. Aus der Sammlung Bruno BischofbergerGlarus
Joseph KosuthEin Plan für: Eine verstummte BibliothekIttingen
Kunstmuseum des Kantons Thurgau – Kartause
Joseph KosuthAround and AroundBerlin
Galerie Achim Kubinski
Joseph KosuthUlysses, 18 ScenesZurich
Galerie Bruno Bischofberger
1997Joseph KosuthRe-defining the Context of Art: 1968-1997. The Second Investigation, and Public MediaBoston
MIT List Visual Arts Center
Joseph Kosuth(No Title)Bregenz
Joseph KosuthGuests and Foreigners, Rules and Meanings. A New Installation, With a Survey: 1965 – 1997Dublin
The Irish Museum of Modern Art
Joseph KosuthL’Essence de la rhétorique est dans l’allégorieNew York
Sean Kelly Gallery
Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth, Read and Seen: Selected Works from 1965, 1967, 1969, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1997New York
Leo Castelli Gallery
1993Joseph KosuthXLV Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte – Hungarian PavilionVenice
Biennale di Venezia
1974Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: The Tenth Investigation, Proposition 7Rome
Galleria Sperone-Fischer
Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: The Tenth Investigation 1974, Proposition 3Toronto
Carmen Lamanna Gallery
Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: Investigations sur l’art et problématique 1965-1973Paris
Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville
1973Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: The Tenth Investigation, PropositionLos Angeles
Claire Copley Gallery
Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: Art as Idea as Idea: 1967-1968Cologne
Galerie Paul Maenz
Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: The Eighth Investigation, Proposition 2Hamburg
Galerie Gunter Sachs
Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: Investigationen über Kunst & Problemkreise seit 1965Tübingen
Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: Investigationen über Kunst & Problemkreise seit 1965Münster
Westfälischer Kunstverein
Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: Investigationen über Kunst & Problemkreise seit 1965Lucerne
Kunstmuseum Luzern
1972Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: Recent Work – The Ninth Investigation, Proposition 1New York
Leo Castelli Gallery
Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: Early Work – Proto-Investigations = Fifteen Works 1965-1967New York
Leo Castelli Gallery
Joseph KosuthJoseph KosuthCleveland
The New Gallery
Joseph KosuthJoseph KosuthRome
Galleria Sperone-Fischer
1971Joseph KosuthJoseph KosuthNaples
Galleria Lia Rumma
Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: L'Ottava Investigazione (A.A.I.A.I.) 1971, Proposizione 6Milan
Galleria Toselli
Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: The Eighth Investigation, Proposition 3Toronto
Carmen Lamanna Gallery
Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: The Eighth Investigation, Proposition 3New York
Leo Castelli
Joseph KosuthJoseph KosuthZurich
Galerie Bruno Bischofberger
Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: el arte come idea come ideaBuenos Aires
Centro de Arte y Communication
Joseph KosuthJoseph KosuthCologne
Galerie Paul Maenz
1970Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: 11 Lavori dal 1965Turin
Galleria Sperone
Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: The Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Investigations (Art as Idea as Idea 1968-1970).
Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: The Second Investigation (Art as Idea as Idea 1968).Aarhus
Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: The First Investigation (Art as Idea as Idea 1968).Copenhagen
Jysk Kunstgalerie
Joseph Kosuth(No Title)Paris
Galerie Daniel Templon
Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: 15 Locations 1969/70 (Art as Idea as Idea 1966-1970).Oxford
Christ College
Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: 15 Locations 1969/70 (Art as Idea as Idea 1966-1970). Coventry
College of Art
Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: 15 Locations 1969/70 (Art as Idea as Idea 1966-1970). Amsterdam
Art & Project
Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: 15 Locations 1969/70 (Art as Idea as Idea 1966-1970). Bern
Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: 15 Locations 1969/70 (Art as Idea as Idea 1966-1970). Turin
Galleria Sperone
Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: 15 Locations 1969/70 (Art as Idea as Idea 1966-1970).Buenos Aires
Instituto Torcuato di Tella
Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: 15 Locations 1969/70 (Art as Idea as Idea 1966-1970).Halifax
Nova Scotia College of Art and Design
Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: 15 Locations 1969/70 (Art as Idea as Idea 1966-1970).Australia
Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: 15 Locations 1969/70 (Art as Idea as Idea 1966-1970).Antwerp
A 37 90 89
Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: 15 Locations 1969/70 (Art as Idea as Idea 1966-1970).London
St. Martin's School of Art
1969Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: 15 Locations 1969/70 (Art as Idea as Idea). Pasadena
Art Museum
Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: 15 Locations 1969/70 (Art as Idea as Idea). Vancouver
Douglas Gallery
Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: 15 Locations 1969/70 (Art as Idea as Idea). Chicago
MCA – Museum of Contemporary Art
Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: 15 Locations 1969/70 (Art as Idea as Idea). New York
Leo Castelli Gallery
Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth: 15 Locations 1969/70 (Art as Idea as Idea). Toronto
Art Gallery of Ontario
1968Joseph KosuthJoseph Kosuth – NothingLos Angeles
Gallery 669
1967Joseph KosuthMuseum of Normal ArtNew York
Museum of Normal Art