Sprüth Magers Berlin London
Selected books and catalogues

2019 ‘Home Sweet Home', Les Éditions Textuel, Paris.

         ‘The world exists to be put on a postcard', The British Museum, London.

2016 ‘Conceptual Art in Britain 1964-1979', Tate Publishing, London.

         ‘Performing for the Camera', Tate Publishing, London.

2015 ‘Konzeption Conception, more Konzeption Conception now’, Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen.

2014 ‘Manifesto! An Alternative History of Photography’, Museum Folkwang / Fotomuseum Winterthur / Steidl.

         ‘Ruin Lust’, Tate Gallery Publishing, London.

2013 ‘Uncommon Ground: Land Art in Britain 1966-79’, Hayward Gallery Publishing, London.

2012 ‘Keith Arnatt, works 1967-1996’, Maureen Paley, London.

         ‘Ends of the Earth, Land Art to 1974’, MOCA, Los Angeles.

         ‘Observers: Photographers of the British scene from the 1930s to now’, Galeria de Arte de Seso, Avenida Paulista, Sao Paolo.

2011 ‘Modern British Sculpture’, Royal Academy of Art, London.

         ‘United Enemies’, Henry Moore Institute, Leeds.

2010 ‘Human’, Musee d’Art modern et d’Art contemporain, Nice.

2009 'Box, Body, Burial: The sculptural Imagination of Keith Arnatt', Henry Moore Institute, Essays on Sculpture, Leeds.

         'Keith Arnatt. Works 1968 - 1990', Karsten Schubert / Richard Saltoun, London.

         ‘In & Out of Amsterdam: Art & Project Bulletin, 1968-1989’, MOMA, New York.

2008 'I´m a Real Photographer', Chris Boot in Association with the Photographers´ Gallery, London.

2007 'Centre of the Creative Universe: Liverpool and the Avant-Garde', Tate Liverpool, Liverpool.

         'How We are: Photographing Britain', Tate Britain, London.

2006 'How To Improve the World: 60 Years of British Art', Hayward Gallery, London.

2004 'Behind the Facts: Interfunktionen 1968-75', Fundació Joan Miró , Centre d´Estudis d´Art Contemporani, Barcelona.

2002 'Blast to Freeze, British Art in the 20th Century', Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg.

2001 ‘Conception, Conceptual Documents 1968-1972’, Norwich Gallery, Norwich.

         ‘Live In Your Head: Concept and Experiment in Britain 1965-1975’, Museu do Chiado, Lisbon.

2000 'Live In Your Head: Concept and Experiment in Britain 1965-1975', Whitechapel Art Gallery, London.

1998 'Chemical Traces: Photography and Conceptual Art 1965-1975', Whitechapel Art Gallery, London.

1997 ‘The Impossible Document: Photography and Conceptual Art in Britain 1966-1976’, Camerawork, London.

         ‘On the Bright Side of Life’, NGKB Berlin / Kustverein Ludwigschafen am Rhein.

1996 ‘Mai de la photo, Question de Genres’, Edition Maririe de Reims.

1992 'One Foot Has Not Reached the Next Street', Mark Haworth-Booth, The British Council.

         ‘Internationale Foto-Triennale’, Esslingen.

1991 'Keith Arnatt, XXI Bienal de Sao Paulo', The British Council.

         'De-Composition: Constructed Photography in Britain, British Council touring exhibition', Oriel Gallery & Cahpter Arts Centre, Cardiff.

         ‘Pivot, sixteen artists using photography in Wales and Philadelphia’, Oriel Mostyn, Llandudno.

1989 'Rubbish and Recollections', Photographers´ Gallery, London and Oriel Mostyn Gallery, Llandudno.

         'Through the Looking Glass: Photographic Art in Britain 1945-1989', Barbican Art Gallery, London.

         ‘Anima Mundi, Still Life in Britain’, Stills Gallery, Edinburgh / MCPC, Ontario.

1988 'Three Artists in Wales', Oriel Gallery, Cardiff.

1987 'Mysterious Coincidences: New British Colour Photography', The Photographers´ Gallery, London and Ffotogallery, Cardiff.

1986 'The Forest of Dean', Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol.

         ‘Photography as Performance’, The Photographers’ Gallery, London.

1984 '1965-72: When Attitudes Became Form', Kettles Yard, Cambridge & Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh.

1983 'The Prosaic Landscape', Ffotogallery, Cardiff and Museum of Modern Art, Oxford.

1981 'British Art 1940-1980', The Arts Council Collection, Hayward Gallery, London.

         'British Sculpture in the Twentieth Century', Whitechapel Art Gallery, London.

         '1980-86 Photography as Medium', British Council.

1980 'Gerry Schum', Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam and Museum Boymans van Beunigen, Rotterdam.

         ‘Photography as Medium’, British Council touring exhibition.

1979 'Walking the Dog', Introduction by George Melly, Omega Books, London.

1976 ‘Time, Words and the Camera / Zeit, Wurte und die Kamera’, Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum, Joanneum, Graz.

         ‘Arte Inglesi Oggi, 1960-76’, Palazzo Reale, Milan.

1973 ‘Beyond Painting & Sculpture’, Arts Council of Great Britain, introduction by Cork, Richard

1972 'Seven Exhibitions', Tate Gallery, London.

         ‘The New Art’, Hayward Gallery, Arts Council of Great Britain, London.

1971 'Roadshow: A New English Enquiry', XI Bienal de Sao Paulo.

         ‘Art as Idea from England’, CAYC, Buenos Aires.

         ‘Interfunktionen’, Cologne, no.6, September 1971.

1970 '1220400-0000000', Art & Project, Amsterdam.

         'Idea Structures', Camden Arts Centre, London.

         'Information', Museum of Modern Art, New York.

         'Art as Idea in England', Centro de Arte y Comunicación, Buenos Aires.

         'The British Avant Garde', New York Cultural Center, New York.

         '1969-70', Konzeption – Conception, Städtisches Museum, Leverkusen.

         ‘Wall Show’, Lisson Gallery, London.

         ‘Umwelt-Akzente: die Expansion der Kunst’, Kunstkreis Monschau.

         ‘Interfunktionen’, Cologne, no.5, November 1970.

         ‘Interfunktionen’, Cologne, no.4, March 1970.

1969 'TV Project Self Burial', Fernsehgalerie Gerry Schum, Publication No. 10, Düsseldorf.

         '557,087', Seatlle Art Museum, Seattle.

         '955,000', Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver.

Selected articles

2016 Dillon, Brian, Conceptual Art in Britain 1964-1979, Tate Britain, Artforum.com, Slant, 16 August 2016.

         Vasey, George, Conceptual Art in Britain 1964-1979, Art Monthly, June 2016, No. 397, pp. 20-22.

         Cumming, Laura, So whose bright idea was this?, The Observer, 17 April 2016, p. 31.

         Spence, Rachel, Thinking makes it so, FT Weekend, Life & Arts, 16 & 17 April 2016, p. 11.

         Collings, Matthew, Here’s a bright idea, Evening Standard, Tuesday 12 April 2016, p. 30, 31.

         Laing, Olivia, The art of nothing, The Guardian, Saturday 9 April 2016, p. 14.

         Crow, Thomas, Conceptual Art in Britain: 1964-1979, Artforum.com, Preview, January 2016.

2015 Hegert, Natalie: 'Comic Relief: Humour and Playfulness at Frieze New York 2015’, Huffington Post, online, 14 May 2015.

         Smith, Trevor H., Absence of the Artist, Aesthetica Magazine, online, 26 September 2015.

         Williamson, Andrea, Keith Arnatt: Absence of the Artist, This is tomorrow, online, 16 September 2015.

         Sritharan, Brennavan, Keith Arnatt: the conceptual photographer who influenced a generation, British Journal of Photography, online, 4 September 2015.

         Eicker, Eva, Absence of the Artist, Photomonitor, online, 4 September 2015.

         Compton, Nick, High concept: Keith Arnatt’s ‘Absence of the Artist’ at Sprüth Magers, Wallpaper*, online, 1 September 2015.

         Orr, Gillian, Keith Arnatt used humour to explore the notion of the invisibility of the artist, The Independent, online, 30 August 2015.

         Orr, Gillian, Keith Arnatt used humour to explore the notion of the invisibility of the artist, The Independent on Sunday, 30 August 2015, pp. 10-11.

         Knight, James, ‘Self-Burial with Mirror’( 1969) by Keith Arnatt, FT Weekend, Life & Arts, 29 & 30 August 2015, p.16.

         O’Hagan, Sean, Keith Arnatt is proof that the art world doesn’t consider photography ‘real’ art, The Guardian, online, 27 August 2015.

2013 Castets, Simon: 'A Stone Left Unturned’, Yvon Lambert Paris, Feb – Mar, pg 68-69.

         Sherman, Sam: ‘Critixs’ Picks: Keith Arnatt’, Artforum.com, 4 January 2013.

         Smyth, Cherry: ‘Keith Arnatt’, Art Monthly, February 2013, p.26.

         'Keith Arnatt’, Monopol, Jan, pp.129-130.

2012 Ackermann, Tim: ‘Der Freak von nebenan’, Welt am Sonntag, 25 November 2012, p.66.

         Doubal, Rosalie: 'Keith Arnatt: Works 1967-1996, Time Out, 11 Dec, pg 72.

         Pavel, S. Pys: 'Keith Arnatt: Erasure and Disappearance’, Mousse, Dec – Jan 2013, pg 220-223.

         Sleeman, Joy: ‘The New Art, Hayward Gallery London, 1972’, Sculpture Journnal, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2012, p.73.

2011 Alfrey, Nicholas: 'Romanticism Gets Real’, Tate Etc, January, pp.44-47.

2010 'Keith Arnatt, Self-Burial (Televisual Interference Project)’, 1969 Esopus, Fall, pp.2, 8, 48, 72, 98, 124, 164, 176, 177.

2009 Fox, Dan: 'A Serious Business’, Frieze, Mar, cover & pg 108-113.

         Grafik, Claire: ‘Keith Arnatt 1930-2008’, Art Monthly, February 2009, p.23.

         Martin, Courney J.: 'Keith Arnatt’, Artforum, online, 1 April 2009.

         Pecker, William: ‘Box, Body, Burial, Henry Moore Institute’, Financial Times, 11 March 2009, p.10.

         Wood, Jon, Sperlinger, Mike, Wilson, Andrew: 'Box, Body, Burial: The Sculptural Imagination of Keith Arnatt’, Henry Moore Institute, Essays on Sculpture, No. 61, 2009, pp.1 – 20.

2008 Herbert, Martin: 'Keith Arnatt’, Art Monthly, March 2008, pp.28-29.

2007 Dillon, Brian: 'Keith Arnatt’, Frieze, September 2007, p.288.

         Parr, Martin: 'Small things writ large’, The Guardian, online, 19 May 2007.

         Schwabsky, Barry: 'Keith Arnatt: The Photographer’s Gallery’, Artforum, Vol. XLVI, No. 3, November 2007, p.378.

2006 O’Reilly, Sally: 'Do not adjust your set’, Financial Times Magazine, October, p.42.

2005 Sperlinger, Mike: 'Orders! Conceptual Art’s Imperatives’, Afterthought, pp.17-18.

2004 Wege, Astrid: 'Ready to Shoot, Kunsthalle Dusseldorf’, Artforum, Summer, p.261.

2000 Dorment, Richard: ‘Idealists with big ideas’, The Daily Telegraph, 10 February 2000.

         Hunt, Ian: 'Live in Your Head, Whitechapel Art Gallery’, Frieze, October, pp.132-133.

         Searle, Andrew: ‘Slice of book, anyone?’, The Guardian, 8 February 2000, p.14.

1997 Hatton, Brian: 'Paraphotography’, Art Monthly, June, cover & pp.1-5.

1993 Millar, Jeremy: 'Keith Arnatt’, Frieze, May, p.55.

1990 Walker, Ian: 'Keith Arnatt’, European Photography, July, pp.32-35.

1989 Caiger-Smith, Martin: 'Keith Arnatt Transport to Another World, Creative Camera, June 1989.

         Caiger-Smith, Martin: 'Blurring the Boundaries’, Royal Academy Magazine.

         Cork, Richard: 'Refuse Assurance’, The Listener, p.35.

         Feaver, William: Good Clean Dirt’, The Sunday Observer, 18 June 1989.

1988 Butler, Susan: 'Between Frames’, Aperture 133, New York

1983 'Areas of Outstanding Beauty’, Ffhotoview, Summer 1983.

1979 Feaver, William: ‘Walking the dog in Dering Street’, The Sunday Observer, 25 November 1979.

1977 Tisdall, Caroline: ‘Catching his death’, The Guardian, 30 May 1977.

1976 Morris, Lynda: ‘Arte indleses oggi’, Data No. 20, March-April 1976, pp.45 & 54.

1973 Celant, Germano, ‘British Avantgarde’, Domus, p.48.

1972 Brett, Guy: ‘Live auction pieces at the Tate’, The Times, 29 February 1972.

         Cork, Richard: ‘A mew starting point for the Tate?’, Evening Standard, 9 March 1972, p.22.

         Tisdall, Caroline: ‘Art Think’, The Guardian, 17 August 1972.

1971 Harrison, Charles: 'Art for T.V.’, Studio International, January 2971, p.30.

         Meehan, Thomas: ‘A non-art article on art’, Horizon, XIII, No.4, Autumn 1971, pp.4-5.

1970 Brett, Guy: ‘Idea Structures’, The Times, 3 July 1970.

         Honnef, Klaus: ‘Zhen Fragen zur Concept Art’, Magazin Kunst, 10 Jahrgang, Nr.38, 2 Quartal, 1970.

         Avalanche, Fall Issue, No.1.

Works made for magazines and catalogues

1997 Three Extensions, Publication, David Lamellas, Kunstverein München/Witte de With, Rotterdam.

1973 Banausic Effort, Il Corpo Come Linguaggio (La “Body-art” e storie simili), Giampaolo Prearo Editore.

1972 ‘Trouser – Word Piece’, The New Art, Hayward Gallery, Arts Council of Great Britain, London.

1971 ‘I have decided to go to the Tate Gallery next Friday’, The British Avant Garde, The New York Cultural Center, New York.

         ‘I have decided to go to the Tate Gallery next Friday’, Studio International, London, May 1971.

         ‘Did I Intend to do this Work?’, Wall Show, Lisson publications, London.

         Art as an Act of Omission, Interfunktionen, Cologne, no. 6, September, 1971, backcover.

1970 ‘Decay in Interfunktionen’, Cologne, no.4, March 1970. 

         ‘This Statement appears on this Wall’, Studio International, London July/August Exhibitions. 

         ‘A Specification for an Art Condition and Is it possible for me to do nothing as my contribution to this exhibition?’, Interfunktionen, Cologne, no.5, November 1970. ‘Three Extensions’, Publication, David Lamellas, Nigel Greenwood Inc Ltd.

Selected writings and statements

2004 ‘Self Burial’, 19:2:90 Television Interventions, Third Eye Center and Fernsehgalerie Gerry Schum Ready to School, Kunsthalle, Düsselforf.

1982 ‘Sausages and Food’, Creative Camera, October.

1976 ‘Untitled Statement on The Visitors, Time Words and the Camera Zeit, Worte und die Kamera’, Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum, Joanneum, Graz. 

1976 ‘Snapshots, Arte Inglese Oggi’, 1960-76, Palazzo Reale, Milan.

1973 ‘Untitled statement, Beyond Painting and Sculpture’, Arts Council of Great Britain.

Selected interviews with the artist

2001 Interview with Catherine Mosely in Conception, Conceptual Documents 1968-1972, Norwich Gallery, Norwich.

1997 Interview with John Roberts, The Impossible Document: Photography and Conceptual Art in Britain 1966-1976, Camerawork, London.